What are 10 things you wish you had known about life when you were in your 20s?

in #life8 years ago

I’m not quite out of my 20’s yet (I’m 25) but, here are some principles and points I’ve been living by to avoid having any regrets in my later years:

  1. Eat Healthy: Ever heard the quote, “Abs are made in the kitchen”? This quote couldn’t be more TRUE. When it comes to having a fit and healthy body, diet and nutrition are EVERYTHING. Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.

  2. Eat More Greens: There was good reason Popeye was always eating spinach. Leafy greens are packed with nutrients to keep your body running smoothly. Other leafy greens that are included in my diet are Kale and Arugula. Darker the green, the better.

  3. Don’t Smoke: Smoking has to be hands-down, the worst habit a person can possess. Your health will suffer. Your relationships will suffer. Your bank account will suffer. If you’re stressed out, take up yoga.

  4. Don’t Drink: This one may be harder to swallow than others, but it is well worth doing. Your confidence will improve, your wallet will thank you, and your body will thank you. The average beer contains 148 calories. Have 6 of those bad boys in a night, and you’re looking at 888 calories! Talk about empty calories…I quit cold-turkey 9 months ago and haven’t looked back. Stick to water, you’ll thank me later.

  5. Read: I don’t care what you read, but if you’re able to put down the Netflix remote, and pick up a book, you’re already ahead of the game.

  6. Invest: As early as you can in your life, open a brokerage account, and set money aside each month to put into stocks / bonds / mutual funds. Compound interest is your best friend.

  7. Travel: Travelling will open your mind to how vast of a world we live in. Don’t just book an all-inclusive vacation, immerse yourself in a culture. Learn the native language and bond with locals. Traveling is by far the best investment you can make.

  8. Exercise: Run, lift weights, do yoga, surf, swim, walk your dog, etc. Find something that you love to do, and you won’t see it as a chore.

  9. Gratitude: Be thankful for the people you have in your life. Be thankful for the roof over your head, and food on your plate. A lot of people aren’t lucky enough to possess these basic necessities.

  10. Appreciate: Everyone in the world responds positively to sincere praise and appreciation. As humans, we’re always quick to criticize. Remind a friend, co-worker, or family member something you appreciate about them, and notice how differently they respond in comparison to criticism.

Obviously, there are many more points to add, but by starting with these principles, you’ll be well on your way to an improved life.