Have you fallen
The cause of fall is triggered when you lack much insight about what made you falled. Though, you might think you are familiar with what made you fall ,but am telling you to check back and study what made you fall patiently.
Categories of those who have fallen and there defination
These are the first category of people who have fallen and have no aim of rising up again(living lively)
F- failed
A- and
L- looking for ways to
L- live again
These are people who failed but are hammering hard to start again. These people are people with dreams and purpose
Everybody has purpose and dream but some totally forget to pursue it. Nothing is presented simple,everything are gotten through constant trying. Fall is inevitable but once you noticed you have fallen, how are you going about rising back again.
The amount of times you fall, should not weaken you but should only give you courage that you now know how this can be achieved without my previous trail. Some previous trial are very close to accomplishment ,but they missed the persistency.
The amount of times you fell must be equivalent to the amount of times you have risen back. Rise above issues and disturbance and live a life full of purpose.
Am cuthbertola,If you like what you just read. Follow