in #life7 years ago


This is the story of my life when I started to love.

I was once a simple woman working for my family as I was the breadwinner. I look after for my family’s survival and even helped my other siblings in their school projects and other school needs. I got immediately deployed on my first employment right after I graduated. Maybe because they have seen my scholastic records and the way I respond when I am being interviewed.

It was far from my thoughts to enter into a relationship since then, I think of my future of what would I be to let go of financial constraints, to have job stability, to buy all things what I want and to be able to provide our daily financial needs. Since, I was the only daughter and the first who had graduated, I took place the responsibility where my parents depend on me.


It was very hard to just stayed and don’t even find a job when somebody are relying. Thus, cause me to be patient in searching for it until I was finally employed.

Here in my first job, I met this officemate of mine. We became friends for three months and eventually became lovers thereafter. Our relationship took five months and became friends for two years after we broke up for a reason. But before he came, I previously had a relationship which only lasted for two months where no heartaches felt.

It was the first time I felt happiness, deeply so in love and have a big respect and trust. He was the man I considered to be my first love and my first ever boyfriend. I don’t understand the feeling, I just became excited and felt at ease when we were together. I have no feeling of doubt the reason why I gave my full trust.

I don’t even imagined, things got deviated. No signs of break-up, no words being uttered, no rumors even heard. FOR I CONSIDERED THIS MAN, I HAVE LONG BEEN WAITED.

For a certain reason, we broke-up and lasted two years. With his denying activities, I didn’t mind he already had intimate relationship and quite two years already.

I was outspoken the time I heard the news.

I got depressed and just cried.

The feeling of anger exploded that he stole my heart and mind.

Biased as we called.


Even depressed it doesn’t barred me to be weak and end life. Despite, it teaches me to become strong and choosier of selecting the right man for me with GOD’s DIVINE INTERVENTION.

Two years of being broke up, it wasn’t just simple to move on. Since were still friends, we steal time to see each other. But I didn’t stop dating with somebody whom I considered as friend too. To ease my pain of being hurt, I diverted my mind to somewhere else. I got enjoyed going to any places while with my date, starting to create friendship and knowing them personally.

I am a conservative one, not an outgoing person, I used to spend whole time with my family alone and selected friends. I obeyed my parents all the time especially my strict grandma. People behind me knows who I am, the way I value friendship and respect them. That’s why I wondered the man who hurts me decided to leave me. I DON’T KNOW THE REASON WHY? Maybe because, I could not spend more of my time with him for I am a career woman person, future minded and very serious. Maybe because, he was not yet ready for a serious relationship or he thinks I am not the right person to make a relationship just a short period of time.

For two years even dating, I could not see myself to be with somebody else. I had suitors wanted me to marry them, many are they if I will decide, but my heart still remains to the same guy. Oh what an amazing love! I can’t take him for granted! I asked GOD whose man HE’s going to give me? "THE MAN WHOM I WILL SURRENDER MYSELF."

The two years has ended, I admit I still longing for him. I did not allow somebody to take in. Many calls accepted to give my final answer if I’m ready to be in a relationship again. But I could not.

One time someone texted me. He asked if I already had a new boyfriend. And I just told him, “If you want to know, follow me and just observed.” I did not mind who the one texting is until he finally called me up. "HE WAS THE MAN I LOVE MOST."

We meet again and exclusively dating. The sadness in my face evaded when I saw him for so long. We talked and confront each other and answer all questions I fervently asked. He answered, “I just don’t want you to be the reason of my broke up with my recent girlfriend."“I still longing you to be mine and be my wife if you would agree.” “I always dreamed of you, maybe the time we haven’t meet caused me to miss you.” “I still LOVE YOU.” “YOU’RE MY WIFE MATERIAL”.

I don’t know what to answer, I cried. This might be the time when I asked myself why he broke me up? With my UNENDING LOVE for him, undeniably I gave him a chance. The second time we’ve been together unofficially yet. He waited his ex-girlfriend to find another man before he officially conclude our final relationship. Until the girl sent me messages the cause of their broke-up and I eventually read it with him. Until he officially decided to start our relationship all over again.

To love a certain person takes time. "PATIENCE IS THE VIRTUE FOR UNENDING HAPPINESS." It must be real, decisive and unforgettable.


Hope you like it. Please follow me on my blogs. Thank you.



nice post..keep it up..


hope you have time to visit my blog..thank you..

wow so cool..^_^ upvoted, your story is amazing keep it up