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RE: Me stuck in paranoid situation feel like…..?

in #life6 years ago

Hi, sorry to bother, this is just my opinion and does have the value that it has, probably should not be taken as advice, for that, maybe listen to what @Blanchy and @Nomad-Magus said, You'll find what they said very useful, now if I was talking with a close friend You would hear me say that most of technology is a form of control developed by the 'elites' to mind control everyone and that Your mind is not Your own..

..but lets leave that aside, You trained tae kwon do right, remember the discipline that was needed (I practised tae kwon do too, so I actually know about it..), it wasn't always easy right? What did You thought in those moments? Did You became anxious or thought that there was an objective to achieve, that with training and dedication You would eventually achieve it? Was the mind or the hearth that You followed?

I do tend to believe that we should follow our hearth more than our mind, but, being conscientious about it (teamwork!!).. Think about "everything" but don't overthink (it leads to insanity), we will never know everything although I feel that we are all connected to the source of all knowledge and to each other, and to access that there is only one requisite, to live in truth at every moment, with Yourself and others, the worst lies are the ones we convince ourselves that are true, beside that..

Try to be in the present moment, because every thought that might be in Your mind is just a projection, memory, a sort of virtual reality to be used as a tool (not to be controlled by..), the great majority of times what is in mind is not happening, and probably will never happen as thought in the first place, probably not even happen at all, accept every moment and act accordingly.. Live the present as it is, a present!!..

But, this is just a piece of what my hearth and mind concoct based on what was read, and You should not follow what I say, at most take it as a point of view of other 'human vehicle' in Earth that suffered a lot from anxiety and nervous breakdowns, depression in the past..
And now, experiences every moment without following thoughts, yet not stop thinking, neither following feelings but, feeling them and acquiring experiences..

Don't forget to breath and maybe try meditation, these 2 things might be good advices..

I didn't sleep last night so if something doesn't make that much sense, don't take me wrong, just ignore it, hope that this somehow helps You understand Your mind better and to remember and not forget the hearth, because if we have a little piece of what created us and everything, it is in the center of the heart, the philosopher stone..



Why don't you sleep last night? Sorry for shit commenting, just curious

Not really shit, don't worry You've got curiosity just that, I didn't slept because I have a lot happening in life, a lot of things to do (too much small things since I live alone..) and think about, am very worried about a few things although I know I can't do anything, still, I have to think about a lot of stuff to make the right decisions and take the correct actions at each and every moment (lets leave that there), my mother is not very well (an accident surgery and a prosthetic leg bone..) and she never listen to me when I say that she must rest, my kids are passing through a weird phase and they live with my mother not with me, what makes everything worse, have a couple of friends that live too far away too help and I'm worried with them, plus I have really shitty neighbours who deserve the building on fire, still I continue to care and do whatever I can to help out (much more reserved about which neighbours thou, but still lend a hand when the opportunity appears =S)..

Am probably missing a couple of things but I guess this gives an idea..

Thank You for commenting ;)


Very well. Go get some more sleep. Grab a beer, swallow the whole content in one gulp, make a sprint as fast as possible immediately. After that, either you puked or faint straightaway (or both), that will really set you relief for a brief moment 🤣 Sorry if I sounded like an asshole, but I am 😂 Chillax

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I don't drink alcohol but I get what You're saying ^^P And stop putting yourself so low, You're actually caring about people so no, You're no asshole either!!

Chill brother ;D

please share your opinions to avoid our sad past will be a great help.thank you @cyberspacegod for your advice..actually you're right about living in the present moment..i always tend to divert my attention to my past frequently..not that i had suffered anything serious in my past but each and every past memories can't be all good right..? so, i don't know why.. even though i know for fact that it's ain't gonna be useful, i always end up recalling those sad moments again and again..that's the only problem i have now..

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You're welcome ^^,
And I do think and remember a lot from the past, since my first step and how falling in my ass had me in fear of walking when I was around 9 months, after that, blank space with perception of existence and clear memories since my 3rd year of life, its very cool to remember most of my life at the same time is a curse, as You said, "memories can't be all good right..?" and unfortunately or maybe for the best in the end I simply don't know, mine are full of hellish ones that were a major pain in the a$$ back then (still are sometimes but I don't allow them to take over most of the time and try to learn from them..), for not having understanding of the world and not having that much support of family, friends, pretty much everybody, I do know now that it is because of understanding and that most don't understand (I don't blame them, everybody have problems and most people are just trying the best they can to cope with life..)..

About getting to recalling past memories over and over again, to the point of that becoming suffering for something not in existence any more, I have learned it is probably a sort of trauma or unsorted from the memory 'time' that persisted throughout life until the present (only in memory but influencing day-to-day life..), dismember those memories being honest to yourself and You might find what was the problem, and then able to understand why it was stuck in memory for so long as a "bad thing", I had to understand why my mother had beaten me so hard for one thing and in the next moment beating me again for not doing it, it was hard but once I've understood that she wasn't doing it for being mean or anything like that I got my resolution on that matter (just one of the many examples), from that moment on I'm always able to explain to my mother every bit of potential s#!7 she might be saying to try and affect me, It mother love and she didn't had the best education and was very indoctrinated with a mindset where money is the only thing that matters, still, from the moment I understood and solved my trauma with that and started helping her, she demonstrates most of the time her own way that she cares and actually is supporting me to the best of her abilities..

This is just a very small fraction of what I've had to deal in my life since a very young age, this process took me almost 20 years of life and is still ongoing but giving fruits, although I've lost a big bit of "my own" life, to this, to hard and soft drugs (have quit all of them by myself, closed in a house with no money, no way of getting out of the valley where it was located and.. it's in the past I've learned what I've had to learn)..

And You probably don't really want me to start this because at 15 I've wrote 3 books about my life changing names of people, places, and had them reviewed by an ex journalist and editor from one of the main national channels here in Portugal with her advice to publish them, she said they were of very good quality (honestly I didn't saw them that way but, who am I to say so..), end up burning them in the end with the excuse that my life was too exposed to the world (I still have to solve something about it because since then I've wrote small bits but can't write an entire book, not even get close to that, for something I have unsolved..), but I can tell some bits of my past and even from the present because it continues to be a chaos in other 'fronts', if this somehow helps why not, I do love to help everybody (it's impossible given the current state of the world still we can all do our best), and if by telling my stories it helps, it probably wont hurt! =)

I can say that at the moment and since a very young age had problems with police and courts for not being supportive of man made laws, since I was 9 had carved very deep in my mind and heart that there was only one thing worth of giving my life for, the search for "a greater truth" and I've found Sikhism like 3 Years ago more or less, and that have gave me pretty much most of the answers (that is why I wear a turban and adopted an "Eastern" way of life instead of remaining "Western", it is way harder but I do feel better and with a lot more understanding about the world) still, something tells me from the hearth that there are much more (or I'm just stopping myself of living something I really should live..), I can add that being alone for the last 13/4 Years have been both good and an authentic hell, but life goes on and we are all connected to the infinite source of everything so, I gotta continue somehow ^^)..

I guess I'll end here at least for now, I don't want to bother anyone with my life and don't want this to become a 'tl dr' (maybe too late for that x).. ) and here are some of the main marks in my life that were big drawbacks until a decade ago ~..

Anyway, hope this was at least partially helpful, somehow =× (too much exposure, but it's ok, what would people do? bite? I might not have all teeth but I'll bite back xD )..

Dude, your reply can already made some good post and earn some good amount of upvotes 😂

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The only problem is that I don't really feel or like to talk about me just for it, here it was a reply to someone who wanted to hear more, it becomes 'reasonable' to do it (maybe something I do need to take care in the near future)..

Thank You for Your support, it really means a lot! ^^D