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RE: Gatekeeping The Smart Grid

in #life7 years ago

..almost got triggered being a flat earth supporter but, I know that union can do much more for us all than division, and with the current paradigm/governments We will never be able to learn more and teach each other the multitude of truths hidden from the masses.. Thank You for 'the trigger' and another great episode =Ð


So much wisdom in your comment I'm honored my good sir... hat off.

Thank You so much for You kind words, I'm sorry to have missed Your comment before, it's not the first time it happens =S.. Now let us see if I manage to apply it in Our physical reality, the wisdom You mention, still have a lot of work onward.. Humble bow in appreciation sir ;)

(edit) P.s.: Had to edit the post, forgot to mention that You have a very cool pseudonym =Þ