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RE: Self-Acceptance, Forgiveness, and Rolling with the Waves

in #life7 years ago

Reading this, I was brought to tears by your heartfelt, genuine honesty ( I am sobbing here ). The reason being, not only that you feel that way ( it breaks my heart ) but because I totally know where you are coming from ( that hurts my soul man ).
I too, am the same way, I catch myself being forgiving to everyone, I always bring up understanding for others, I am the hardest judge on myself though.The more I read from & about you, the more I am impressed @katrina-ariel!!

How I deal with it? It never completely stops, what helps me?

Always trying to do the right thing, even if it's the tougher & longer road.
You learn you can depend on yourself & trust yourself in the hardest situations, with that you grow & give yourself a rock solid foundation you can look at & be proud of.
Be your own best friend, I don't mean in a selfish way!
I just learned through being diagnosed with cancer, always listen to your inner voice & follow it!
Don't be afraid to be disliked because you are you.
If there aren't any bad intentions in your actions, why be hard one yourself?
Surround yourself with people that help you see what a shining star you are, so you can't but agree with them <3
We are in the right place here on #steemit!

I am happy our paths have crossed & I for one know, the world is a better place with you in it as well <3
Much love, hugs & respect to you my dear!
Never change & give yourself a break, you are better than good you are out-of-this-world extraordinarily superb @katrina-ariel <3

P.S. If you ever want to chat, I am on Discord! <3


Seriously loving you right now. lol! You're right, we are in the right place here on Steemit. So glad our paths have found each other. Isn't it interesting that we are hardest on ourselves? You have some great advice here, and I especially liked this bit: "If there aren't any bad intentions in your actions, why be hard one yourself?" YES!

Thank you for being you. Love!!! :)

Yaaayy, I am loving you right back <3
Yeah, I think it's the oddest thing. Like I said I am not fully free of it & never will be probably, but I started giving myself more slack telling myself that <3
Super hugs & loads of love making their way towards you <3