Your charisma is key to your success! Other employers may have seen it as a negative, but your level of intensity is mandatory while captivating an audience.... ill get there!
I will make my dreams happen, as will you!
Payouts here are not particularly fair! Not complaining i'm just stating the fact that it can be used in abusive manors, and unless you have some idea of the leg ups the odds are stacking against you. So with that said the only way to make it here is constant progression, feel like you've stalled try a new angle.
Take nothing for granted, I am excited with $1 on a post and with @dtube I have gotten almost $3. Sure I use the support platforms but the higher quality content has given higher votes even with minnow support.
Shows in your energy, Shows in your content, Shows in your Videos
your a freak
We've gone in #freakmode to upvote you to the top #oneloveDTUBE
My main man! #freakmode < wahahaha! I LOVE IT!!! Bro, you're the shiznit. I believe in you. You will progress. Personally I believe that payouts here are fair - they're based on a set of qualifications that the platform is looking for. I'll do a video on it. from my perspective They're looking for Diamonds in the rough. YOU are one of those, my brotha. Just keep working on your style. It'll evolve and develop. You're the freak 2.0, champ!
You're going to get a freak upvote on this one, DOOKIE!