Congratulations! As I somehow figured out pretty early in life, the only way you can truly experience love in your life is to learn to love yourself first. That is what your celebration is really all about. A reminder to yourself that you are in fact worth being loved and you are aware of it. Far from being selfish or egotistical, this is actually a genuine complement to those around you. Not only are you coming into your own as a person and a spiritual being in touch with her own feelings, you are very much touching and inspiring those around you with your open and honest search for who you are. And the people you choose to include in this process are an integral part of your success. Their input and support is what makes the celebration real. Anyway, I'm babbling....
I continue to be fascinated and inspired by your journey and I very much enjoy your chronicling of the process. Happy New Year! Thank you very much for sharing.
PS. Still no dreams to report..... :-)
You didn't babble at all! I loved your comment. You really get it!
And lucky YOU for figuring out early in life how integral loving yourself is. Of course I knew in theory that this was important but I was blind to all of the ways I was actually being unloving toward myself. Many times this comes in the form of being concerned with other peoples feelings to the extent that I squash my own wants, desires and preferences.
Thank you for the support and encouragement, it is truly appreciated.