I did it!! I found my voice, I spoke up - honestly and kindly - and you know what, it worked and she heard me!! ✨
I see now that I allowed the situation to get worse in my head by letting it go on without saying anything and I need to realise that's a big part of the lesson in all of this.
I let anxiety get the better of me, I let fear get in the way. People are not offended by my honesty, I think they expect it, I'm just so scared of hurting them I bottle it up, swallowing my truth till it threatens to explode out of my chest. But I have a right to be heard, to speak my truth and have it accepted and respected. That way nothing need be bottled up, anxiety doesn't get to lodge itself in my chest and the cards are on the table before the table becomes an awkward, tension filled mess in my head. All I had to do was to be honest without letting my fear of how that honesty would be interpreted get in the way of it.
This is important. When you're forced to face your fears the outcome determines how much more or less you fear the fear when you are next made to face it. 💕
I will be less fearful next time. More willing and wanting to face the fear, knowing that the only way to overcome it is to do so and knowing that I have a right to be heard and people are far more accepting of that than I sometimes believe. Lesson learnt, again, a little bit more each time. 💫
My reward for tackling this situation was to immediately receive a message from Pia, she and Emmah are my people in this life, my soul sisters and what I'm most grateful for everyday! She's been in New York and I have missed her terribly but she's home!!!!!
This only strengthened my resolve to speak up more readily in future. I live my life believing that what the universe gives me is directly related to what I give it. So if good comes my way it's because I've done or been or given good. And vice versa, but luckily this time it was only about the good. 🌈
Having successfully made myself heard I was reenergised to go back to my normal role of listening to others. Thandi is having a few issues and with the help of a cocktail or two and renewed faith that I'm on the right path, I think I was able to help her ease out the kinks.
It was a very good day for communication. I was proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone and equally proud to have slipped back into it without letting my new found voice drown out the voices of those around me. It's all about balance. I like being the person people go to for help, I don't want that to change, I just want to help myself a little more too.
Lots of love,
Daisy xx
( follow me @daisyd ) 🙏
Phillip Collins wrote in his soundtrack "Tarzan" something very profound and easy to understand: "Follow your heart. Let FATE decide." Many times I feel fear during every situation in my life and that emotion drives me to make good and bad decisions. It is okay to be fear because that challenges your mind to analyze more your decision before doing it. During the landing of the moon , the late U.S. astronaut Neil Armstrong realized that he was about two miles off his landing zone in the moon. Armstrong had only about two minutes of fuel to make a safe landing. This unexpected situation was not part of his training. NASA taught him how to land in the indicated coordinates but this sudden situation forced him to rethink everything in the landing. Eventually, he took a decision and landed in the moon and the rest of history. When Christopher Columbus in his quest to find a route to the West Indies his ships were out of water and food and he was facing a mutiny almost everyday. Columbus was out in the sea for two months and his crew was getting anxious because there was no land at all. Columbus faced uncertainty because he had no maps in these new waters. In his writings Columbus wrote the fear of failure many times. Despite those obstacles, Columbus kept his posture and discovered land in the Americas. When you acknowledge that it is okay to feel fear and anxiety then things become a lot better in your life. WHY? Because I understand that fear and anxiety are part of me and once I understand these emotions and learn how to use them then I can become a better human being. If you learn to use these emotions then you are able to coexist with them and be better in life. Once that understanding is achieved it is like two lovers dancing a perfect TANGO. You will be amazed of the things you can do achieve.
Thank you for this beautiful and wise reply!!! 🙏 and my apologies for the delay in responding. You are right and I love how you put it; "Because I understand that fear and anxiety are part of me and once I understand these emotions and learn how to use them then I can become a better human being."
I will take this wisdom into this new week! Thank you and have a great one! ♥︎ Followed you for more of your thoughts!