365 Days That Count - Day 37 - Live in the moment.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Stop wishing your life away. You're never going to have this moment back, it will never be the same, there'll never be one like it.

If you're too focused on a plan or a direction or a moment beyond this one you'll miss out on not only the beauty of it but also all the opportunities and lessons that stem from it if you live it fully.

You don't want to look back and wish that you'd taken the time to enjoy your life, to live your life instead of agonising over the past and praying for the future.

When we feel lost we get caught up in the fear of not finding our way instead of embracing the chance to find a new path.

There is beauty in every moment but we are blinded by fear.
At the end of the day fear is a state we create ourselves or at least choose by succumbing to it. Fear has been used to keep people down for as long as humans have walked this earth.

When you are in fear or panic or concerning yourself with other's expectations of where you should be in life you give them permission to be critical, to add to your fears.

But they can't be critical of happiness. If you accept wherever you are as just a part of your journey and try to be as present as you can be in that moment you will find contentment and peace and happiness.

No one, even when you choose a path that wasn't the one they'd planned for you or even the one you'd planned for yourself, is going to be critical if you are truly content. They'll be critical if you're scared and apologetic and anxious because no one wants you to be scared and
apologetic and anxious.

But if you are truly content to be lost, if you are positively engaging in each moment for what it is, if you are making the most of whatever it is, learning from it and growing within it - from my experience - I truly believe you would be accepted and respected to carve your own path.

We have to stop wishing our lives away, we have to start making the most of every single
moment realising each is a gift we will never get back.

Its a lesson that I preach but one that I need to practise more often.

I just caught myself giving great advice to a girl who feels lost and everything that came out of my mouth was applicable to myself.

A lot of my day is spent worrying about whether I'll be ok, whether I'll get it together to make enough money to look after my parents, to support myself and my animals, to make a
difference in this world.

Will I really do something that leaves a mark of good somehow, that tips the scale just a tiny bit in the direction of light?

All I'm doing by worrying constantly about reaching my potential is missing the potential of this very moment and not acknowledging that where I am may not be where I'd planned to be but I'm still fighting for the light, I'm still a better me than I was before, I can still help that girl, I can still brighten someones day just by being nice and I can still love life and all it's many blessings.

I don't need all those questions to be answered in order to live in the moment and by asking them all the time I rob myself of the moment and in robbing myself of the moment I'm not giving the universe a chance to really plot my path for me because I manipulate it by being concerned and forcing it or rushing it or slowing it down.

It's only when you're truly in the moment that you can rest assured you are where you are meant to be.

I hope this inspires you to be a little more present, I needed the reminder.


Daisy xx

( @daisyd )


Your whole 365 days series is so heart felt and inspiring! I truly love your posts and hope you keep doing what you do!

I've added this to the @steemittalk podcast agenda to talk about on our next episode recording, time permitting.

Thank you SO much @sykochica I can't tell you how much that means, I will definitely keep going. It would be very exciting to be featured on @steemittalk - please let me know. Have a lovely day and thanks again for your support. Daisy x

Happy to bring it up on the show! It's a real and soul sharing series.
If you ever want to join, we record at 3pm CST (9pm GMT) this and each Saturday in our Discord Server. (If you've never been on there, you'll first sign up here and then click this invite link.) That's by no means a requirement though.

Keep up the great posts!

Thanks so much @sykochica I have signed up with Discord - it's telling me the invite in invalid, I have the desktop version too - what should I search for to find your page?

Hrmm...that's strange, it's not supposed to expire but maybe one of the other guys regenerated that one. Sorry about that. Try clicking this one. For the show, you'll just click into the SteemitTalk Podcast voice channel you see by scrolling down a bit on the channel list.

I typically use the desktop version myself (once in a while on my phone too.) I do recommend the download/app versus the in-browser one (which can sometimes be buggy) if you weren't using that already.

Just holler if you have any more problems, I'll keep an eye out.

That's what pops up when I click on the new one too...

I do have the desktop app, tried searching for Steemittalk but only find post promotions, will check again in the am incase I'm overtired and looking with my eyes closed :)

I ran out comment nesting room so had to respond here.

That's so strange, hrm. Just to try one last one...click here.

If that doesn't work, I'd say try uninstalling the discord app and reinstall it. The only thing I could think of off the top of my head is that your IP is the same as the one and only person we have banned on there (which we can toggle if needed, but I'd like to leave that in place if possible.) It's hard to say for sure. I'll do some digging to see if I can find what's going on. Luckily, this is a one time thing, so in the future you can just click into the server.

Life is now and here) Not in the future, not in the past)

100% :)

I don't have a watch , the time is now.. Thanks for reminding me. nice written.

It's a pleasure, thank you for reading :)