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RE: The Great Debate #1 - Alex Jones.

in #life7 years ago

Having been a researcher in the deep state machinations for over 30 years, I can say with certainty that I believe Jones to be controlled opposition. However, that said, I believe Jones is a great stepping stone for people waking up from the zombie nightmare and peaking into the true light of day. Lots of what Jones reports is true and important for people to know who have just been listening to mainstream baloney their whole lives. Jones provides a service in that way: infowars is like freshman liberal arts class, the first step in opening one's mind to the wide wide multiverse and beginning to peel away the socially engineered veil. Thank you AJ! Also, I enjoy him in spurts on an entertainment level and I also take his Brain Force supplement regularly because it truly is the best neotropic on the market for the price. What do other folks think!? Thanks for the fun discussion.


I can agree to some extent, whilst at least some of the info he provides seems accurate and insightful, I have heard, and seen evidence, that he is a CIA plant. If I can find some of that evidence again, I will post it here

Yes, please do :)

I have heard he is a plant.. although most people base this on the fact he doesn't rag on the Jews very much.

Although he does when needed to i don't really buy that.. he just doesn't think they control the world like some people do. It's a big mix of houses, special interest groups and other factions all vying for position.

I have thought about this alot.

If Alex Jones is a plant.. his only purpose can be to start a war or revolution.. there would be no other point in what he's doing.. unless i am missing something.

The only thing he does is spread information and get people riled up.. so his end goal must be to start a war or revolution.. if he indeed is a plant.

Got any evidence on him being a plant?

You re probably right about the power groups but now he doesnt have a problem mentioning groups anymore. It's all just the left, Hillary Clinton, and the DNC allied with islam that runs the world.
Alex Jones current effect weather willingly or not is to polarize the people, exemplified by what happened in Charlottesville the other day.

An interesting book on the topic of the competing power groups : Scarlett and the Beast
by John Daniels (available as pdf with a google search)
Dont be scared away by the christian overtones if you are not a christian, there is deep historical research in the book.