
Ah, yes. There is a difference between expectation and giving. And while I give without expectation, if there is no reciprocation, then it is not love.

I give to my kids without expectation. They love me because they depend on me for their survival. I give love to the adults in my life without expectation, too. But if my love is not reciprocated with fellowship or affection, then it is probably not love.

I don't have any expectations when I give, but I do look to see if there is reciprocation. In simple terms, my philosophy has been that if you show up, I show up. If you stop showing up, then I move on.

This is just how I believe it to work. You may have a different philosophy, a different experience. I write this piece, even this comment, not to say, I'm right and you're wrong. I write it to say, "Hey, look what I found. What do you think?"

I think you've got a pretty good reasoning.