in #life β€’ 8 years ago


Good morning everyone!How are you today?

Yesterday my husband and I watched a movie called "Funny people" with Adam Sandler, it's about a comedian who is super rich, he has everything, big house,nice cars and the money but he isn't really happy.Can a person be unhappy if he has so much money?Of course! Anyone can feel empty and very sad inside doesn't matter what status he/she has.


What I like about movies is that they sometimes inspire or make you think about life and things around. So I started thinking, would a lot of sudden money make me happy?

"What would you do if you had a million dollars?"I remember the name of the topic at my English language class that sounded like that when I was in 6th grade in school. We had to talk about what would we do if we had this much money.Honestly, I don't remember what I said I would do,but sometimes this question pops up in my head, then and I start thinking what would I buy and how would I spend this money. The answers then and now are of course not the same hahaha but quite similiar in a way that half of the dream list consists of the things that I don't necessarily need. 😌


If I was asked this question,I would probably answer that the first thing I buy is a house, a new house for my and hubby's parents and then comes the luxurious stuff that you would never buy unless you had that much money. (yachts, cars, diamonds and so on)


But actually, if I think about it after all the calculations and things I could possibly buy with it and places where I could possibly go to, I don't think it will make me any happier than I am now.
Not because it's not that much money, or coz I'm a hippie hahaha but because it's a mistake when people think that money can make them happy.

I'm not talking about people with real financial problems,people in poverty, with disabilities or serious diseases. I'm talking about people who are capable of earning enough money to be satisfied with their lives and make at least one person happy.


Now what's interesting is that if I ask other people this question, the answer to the same very question will be so different from person to person,depending on the life level, education, imagination, age and so on.

Material things will always be material, if you have everything - things lose their charm, they don't give you as much satisfaction and happiness as if you worked hard for them to get. Aside from buying a house or spending money on a treatment if you have a serious decease I don't really see big necessity to be super rich. Those who have kids would probably think now what about kids future?College fees?its important!It is very important,but in my personal opinion I would want my kids to learn how to fight for their future, study hard and get scholarships, learn what life is and that it can be a struggle sometimes,it will make them only stronger.


Another good question: How much money that you earn is enough to be satisfied?

Researches in USA for instance say that the number falls at around 75,000 $.What is more important after examining a big number of households, they came into a conclusion that earning additional income will actually not lead to extra happiness once you already have what you need to be function and content.


I truly think that the only luxury you will never able to buy with any money in the world is the sincere love people could give you and the love you could give to people back.

I'm too naive I know😁Now judge me please)))

What you guys think?


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I'd want people to have health. Without that life is so much harder.

Yeah, no diseases!Being healthy is the first thing to wish for

I will invest them !!!!

If I would invest...that would be one of the leading precious metals streaming companies. Also, lot of Steem, OMG...


I would buy Bitcoins ,lots of them :D


I would buy lots of steem and power up.


Pay off my student loan. LOL

How much is it?


Quite a lot of money))

@damira Very nice smile. With love from russia)

Бпасибо 😊

Buy a new car, pay for my next year of college, pick up an oz of weed to celebrate, and invest the rest.

Good plan😁😁😁

Enjoy life and help others, I would still work as I love what I do for a "job" just most likely wouldn't work ALL the time lol

Million dollars if divided properly could help so many people to change their lives for better😌You are a lucky man if you love what you do😊

This post has received a 40.91 % upvote from @lovejuice thanks to: @damira, @dandesign86. They have officially sprayed their dank amps all over your post rewards. GOOD TIMES! Vote for Aggroed!

First thing I would give a portion of it to my family. Nowadays, a million dollars isn't all that much so I'd invest half of it. Probably in cryptocurrency. The other half I would use to go traveling with to see the world!

I think Investing half is a good idea, money can come quickly but it can leave even quicker. Good idea to lock som of it up before the shopping devil takes control of your body :) I would use the other half to buy one house and one apartment. The apartment I would start to rent out, so this is also an investment.

An apartment is a great idea. Where I'm from (Vancouver), 1 million won't even get you much of an apartment. Real Estate is always a good call though.

Yea in some places the real estate is super overvalued, especially in Canada, so a good idea I guess, at least for the apartment, to hold on and buy it when the market crashes. Definitely also invest some money in crypto and gold.


I like "I would give a portion to my family" I think it's a must to share 😊Investing is also smart (it's like if you had three wishes what would you wish?another three hundred wishes lol) and traveling never hurt anybody)))

very good photo you...

A good post. May be I will find business about Server.
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Nice post a like that, have a nice monday, greetings again from Hungary :)

Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

I would by more steem