Does life compete with itself to see which design pattern (genetic code) will survive the longest?

in #life7 years ago

In a conversation I had, I was encouraged to contemplate on what life is. The easier question in my opinion is to study life and analyze what life does. My current theory is that life is like a machine which adapts and evolves in order to survive as long as possible. This machine or biological web (however you want to look at it), is ultimately all going to be wiped out when the universe faces heat death. In order words, the dark energy is expanding the universe so that the distances between the stars, between planets, between galaxies, eventually puts everything into isolation until complete darkness in all directions.

So life really only will have a mission until this heat death of the universe finally occurs. For a video on this heat death have a look:

This means life has a time constraint of 100 billion years. Humans have an estimated 10,000 to 100 million more years.



why only 100 million more years for humans? Seems like we could exist so long as the universe does. Maybe I missed it in the video.

Definitely not. Mammals don't really have good advantages for extremes (extreme hot, extreme cold, extreme gravity or extreme lack of gravity, extreme radiation and so on...). We simply can't last because we aren't built to last. Life such as insects, bacteria, etc, have had many more years of evolution and evolve at a much faster rate. So there are lifeforms designed for maximum resilience but we are one of the more fragile species.

We will have to find a new earth like planet in the next 10,000 years or we will likely go extinct. There is also a limit (due to laws of physics) which indicate that no matter what we ever do we will not be able to reach far outside of our very limited narrow section of the universe. This is due to the rate of expansion of the universe and the fact that we cannot ever travel faster than the speed of light which means most of the universe will forever remain inaccessible no matter what technology we ever develop.

good points, so I guess assuming light is the theoretical limit of speed of travel, unless there are worm holes, we are trapped in this quadrant of space subject to resource constraints?

I think don’t the world can end but humanity can as we have went through times without humans from the dinasours I’m sure we are just part of the cycle as well

the universe, always so mysterious and surprising, has always kept in it questions of all the people that inhabit it, are we really alone? although it is impossible, it continues for many being a question

My current theory is that life is like a machine which adapts and evolves in order to survive as long as possible.

No, that's teleology! There's no "in order to" in natural selection. Life doesn't care about surviving. It just either does or does not survive. Mutations happen due to imperfections in the DNA's copying mechanism, and some of them make the organism fitter, and some make it less fit.

There are some who try to derive what life does from the laws of physics.

If life doesn't care about surviving why do all lifeforms try to survive? That seems to be the only function of the genetic code.

The law of physics determine what life has to work with in the environment. The physics of nature determine all that is possible. Life tends to reproduce (make copies of it's designs) itself and persist as long as it can.


To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Signs point to yes

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Life can be assumed to vary. One of them, yes as you say. In this life nothing is eternal.

Great knowledge you have shared.
It is like life is racing against itself to be better. This race is what most people are oblivious to.

Life as we know it of course has a limit which we all know of, but maybe life has other manifestations, perhaps there are other universes-other dimensions, I think there are no absolutes, everything evolves, only if the concept of God is real can we say that there is an absolute, and then we would have a being or force that is eternal so life would never cease to exist. Anyway nobody really knows.

we will death, every single life on earth will all deathThis is really a thought @dana-edwards. as the theory says that when the sun out of energy all the life within the galaxy will be over. ok that is fine!

from one answer will arise another questions:

Lets say all the stars as the "Sun" of all galaxies also death. then the dark power take control all the universe.

if the universe is round then this could possibly has it own rotation and create another energy to produce another life and new galaxy. if yes then the cycle of dark energy will happen and happen over again.

If not, then how the universe looks like, is the universe flat? I could not put into my mind that the universe is flat, but I have 1% left to believe that it could be possible too.

it really hard to think over and over what would happen after this universe death

Thank you