What is friendship for you?
Before anyone can hope to identify who their friends are they have to decide for themselves what friendship is. I will not determine what friendship is but I will say it is up to each of us to determine that for ourselves and then communicate that to those who are prospective friends.
How do you determine who is and who isn't a friend?
When you're trying to determine who is or isn't a friend you have to remember your criteria. This criteria could be a list of traits, behaviors, emotions, viewpoints, or anything else but it's a list of necessary criteria or a common profile which you believe is highly correlated to friendship.
What criteria do you use to determine if someone is a friend?
It's not that diamonds are a girl's best friend, but it's your best friends who are your diamonds.☺
Am i right?
Traits one that comes to mind is canine. DOGS are truly loyal and loving creatures.
If your car broke down 50 miles away in the middle of the night and you needed someone to come and pick you up, who would be your first phone call? Is there someone you wouldn't hesitate to wake up, and they wouldn't mind getting out of bed and driving 100 miles to help you out? And would you immediately do the same thing for them if the situation were reversed? If so, that's your best friend.
I use the simple and very powerful criteria and that is "Actions speak louder than words".
I feel like if I can trust my friend because they don't talk behind people back, or don't really talk about anyone. I try to look into peoples hearts and find the best out of the person and I like to give everyone a chance but when I see people that I can't trust, I try to keep my distance and if you are doing things just to impress people and not really from your heart, I will also try to stay away.
Friends are people who are there for you when you need them and who help others not because they want a reward but because they really care.
Friends take care of each other and not take advantage of each other. I'm a simple guy =P
For me a friend is someone with who you can just be yourself, with who you have no boundaries and limitations. With who you can laugh, cry, fight, get angry, have all the fun and all that you can think of.
I miss my best friend so much, now we live in different countries. When we were together we did almost everything together, we are so much bonded that people even tell us that we started resembling each other looks wise. Now we meet once in 2 years but we make sure we cover up.
The bar of friendship has been raised so high between us that sadly we both have not been able to connect with anyone as a good friend after getting separated from each other which is one big problem. There are lot of good pals around but no one that I can call a real friend :(
I'm blessed in having several real friends, including the woman who was my best friend in grade school, whom I've known since age six, and we were best friends from age seven. We are now several states apart, but when we talk, it is as though no time has passed, and we simply pick up where we left off.
I also have several close friends with whom I have been in a meditation group since 1998, with whom I have studied everything from tarot and astrology to comparative religions, and they collectively helped me through some seriously dark times in my life. I don't know where I would be without them.
Finally, after learning from close friends that a good marriage is really about friendship, I found my own best friend in Marek, whom I've been with for over eleven years, and married for four. He "gets" me on a level i can't even explain, but am grateful for every day.
Acquaintances are easy to come by, even good ones, but real friendship takes an investment of time and heart on both parts.
My number one criteria for friendship is honesty, and if someone isn't honest with you, they are by definition not a real friend. I have chosen my friends, throughout my life, based in large part on their honesty, and I know my real friends won't bullshit me if there is something real that I need to hear. And they know they can expect the same from me.
To find real friends, BE a real friend, be true to yourself and others, and you can't go wrong.