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RE: Uncertainty avoidance

in #life7 years ago

Most of the men involved in crypto don't have a lot of knowledge either. A lot of early adopters just bought Bitcoin because it was new and interesting. Then you have others who never traded in their life and learned how to become a sophisticated investor trial and error. So what makes some people willing to learn trial and error without anyone to help them or teach them or have any confidence in them while some others wait to be taught?

I think some people are just conditioned to have a greater risk tolerance, or at least that is the hypothesis I'm going with. I cannot find any better hypothesis for it but I do think if someone is waiting for an authority figure to declare crypto safe before they go and get involved it's going to be too late.


I totally agree.

I've always been willing to take calculated risks, as long as I have enough information to truly assess the risk, but many others see it as too much of a gamble.

But isn't that true of life as well?