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RE: Opportunities AREN'T Scarce!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Being goal oriented and resourceful in my experiences are keys to success. The more goal oriented resourceful people seem to do well. In my own life, the more goal oriented and resourceful I am, while also not ever stopping, the more success I seem to find.

To be goal oriented I just have to care about something. I could care about myself, or others, or anything, but the ability to care is why I am goal oriented. To be resourceful requires me to accurately track what I have, in terms of resources, talents, access to assistance or advice, or what I do not have, and to leverage whatever I have to work around what I don't have. What I have and don't have is often not up to me, and is just fate of birth, but rather than focus on my disadvantages I look always to leverage my advantages.

When I say not stopping I mean I am always looking to self improve, always trying for personal growth, always trying to improve my processes, my decision making, my relationships, and I think as long as I'm always moving, and not staying still, I'm progressing, and this is what I consider to be the 'work' aspect.