In capitalism both happiness and security require money. It's very difficult to have either without enough money.
In my opinion relationships are more valuable than money but to maintain and protect them often will require money.
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Ive seen man indegenous people live much wealither lives than some of the richest on bank terms. Picture grandma with no shoes, in tradtional clothes, wakling up the hill with her grandchild on her front and 40lbs on firewood hanging from her head. Shes happier and of a more stable mind than most. Part of this comes down to tha fact that money is nothing but a form of communication. We need to be communiting with each other more. Being greatful for what we already have.
In money oriented societies money is required. In traditional societies you don't need money because you have the land to live off, or a farm, with a big family. Having a big family, land, and a farm, are wealth in their society.
What I see is difficult is that if you were born in that society, you see it as required. Your ability to find peace in that area becomes increasingly difficult. Homes, food, cars, jobs, computers, phones. Things require more things which need more things and things. Being happy with what you have instills wealth. Its saying, I am wealthy, look at what I have. How lucky I was to be born here, with opportunity only bound by my will to create. We have nothing stopping us, other than ourselves. It is not required, its that the route away from that is impossible. We have no choice but to move forward, not backwards now. If you could just run off into the woods and grow farms and build a house. The skills nessecary to do so are extremely valuable. What if tomorrow the world that money you knows stops. What will you have thats of value. Imagine money as you know it is gone, as I am assuming you are talking about currency. Which is NOT a money. Your inner peace, the centre of mind is where you operate from. Than you physically express your physical wealth which reaches out to family and friends. What is of value when people loose the "security and comfort" that they have become used to.
At the same time if you are happy with what you have why would you seek to self improve? I see benefit to always trying to grow and improve on whatever you have.
Let the "energy" flow....more and less ....Health can't be bought, not even in capitalism.
Healthcare can be bought. If you are in pain due to a tooth ache but cannot afford to have it removed then yes happiness can be bought by relieving the pain. Health can also be bought but only to a certain point, case being Magic Johnson who would certainly be dead if he wasn't wealthy enough for HIV medicine.
I understand your point.
I agree
It's good to see that good old dana sense of humor :)