Lady Gaga Edge of Glory. Interracial Talk part 2 (The Black veil 6)

in #life7 years ago

You may say porn is a form of voyeurism but by watching porn you’re actually placing yourself in the position of a cuckold, you’re basically sitting in the corner pleasing yourself with no part in the action.
The unconscious mind creates reality, let’s take a real quick look at this. Everybody wants to win the lottery but most of them people who play it will say things like “winning the lottery doesn’t happen to people like us.” They affirm that they are not going to win, therefore they lose. Even when they get close to thinking they are going to win, the unconscious belief is still there saying that they will lose, unconscious beliefs are core beliefs, they are what govern your reality. This goes much deeper when we look at how we create a reality collectively, but for now just understand that it’s the beliefs under the surface that control reality, and more importantly, they are the ones you probably don't even know you have.

When you get horny you are charging your manifesting abilities, the more sexual energy you have the more power you have. That sexual energy links to your emotional state, your thoughts create the feelings and the sexual energy powers them. If you release that energy into the universe it’s not just the actual energy that goes out, it’s whatever emotional state is linked to it.

If you are in the position of a cuckold, you’re watching another man fuck your wife, the emotional state that you are generating will be of a low vibration. This is the thing generated when watching porn as you are actually in the cuckolded position, it's why you feel shame after a quick tommy-tank. If in your mind you are thinking suggestions like “I could never fuck her like that, he’s so much better than me” etc. You are generating emotions of that frequency so your emotional vibration, your E-motion, your energy in motion will be negative. This Negative Auto-suggestion creates bad vibes, literally, but also, the bad vibes create more negative thoughts.

Now while Mr. Cuckold is sat in the corner of the room gently stroking little Johnson what’s happening is that he doesn’t want to cum. His pleasure in this situation is experiencing his wife’s pleasure vicariously, but the second that he does cum it’s game over, he will then have to process the pain of being a wanker watching his wife being fucked by another bloke. (This is the same type of feeling generated after release from watching porn.) So what does he do? He sits there edging! Edging is where you reach a state of sexual arousal and rather than blow your load you maintain it, the act of being horny is itself the pleasure. Now, the more horniness he feels with these negative suggestions floating around his mind, the more he links the negative emotion to his source of pleasure, eventually his self loathing is the only thing that arouses him, he don’t want to fuck his wife any more, he wants me to do it for him.

Now, the interesting part is when he eventually does cum, all the sexual energy that has been released is shot out into the universe with a negative vibration attached to it and negativity is exactly what will be drawn in. This is sex magick. It’s the same principle as having an orgasm whilst looking at a sigil.

Your thoughts create feelings, feelings create thoughts, when this cycle is charged with sexual energy you are powering up your unconscious mind and the second that the energy is released you begin drawing in situations in accordance with your vibratory frequency. Welcome to the law of attraction!

We have been taught to blow our load the second we feel the slightest urge, what we should be doing is transmuting that sexual energy, directing into achieving something, building, producing, creating etc. Not wanking at computer.

This explanation of cuckoldry, as poor as it is, is simply to highlight the fact that when you are linking negative thoughts and feeling to sexual energy and releasing it you are creating a bad reality, seen as watching porn and masturbating is a secretive shameful act you are actually making your life worse by watching it. That is even if you are not cumming to it. Watching porn is akin to cuckoldry because you are not part of the action and finding enjoyment in that seems to create a sense of shame. Shame is the lowest energetic vibration we can experience. When a white man is watching interracial porn, the thoughts, even if only unconsciously that float around in his mind that are negative towards himself are creating a cycle of self abuse

In the video ‘Edge of Glory’ by Lady Gaga there are scenes designed specifically to install the ideas into the minds of the viewers that they should edge to interracial porn. If you watch the video attached to this blog I show you the clips from the Edge of Glory video and explain how she shows you a black penis and then a white penis springing up next to it at the very second that she says “Edge.” This is to link the image and the audio suggestion together so that your mind understands what she is saying. You will not consciously realize what is happening. Trust me, watch the video to this blog!

In part 1 of this interracial talk I explained how the celebrity puppets are placed together to impress the idea of interracial relationships on your mind, this is so you will now start watching interracial porn which will create the negative feedback loop through thoughts and feelings, and because you are linking this to sexual energy you will now be creating a bad reality, it is your thoughts, feelings and energy that generate your reality and if you fuck them up you fuck up reality.

Lady gaga is being used to install ideas of transgenderism and suicide into the minds of your children, we will get on to this later but for now I just want you to pay attention to the way she is being used to install the idea into men that they should Edge to interracial porn. The creatures behind this agenda are trying to kill your children and you are singing along and wanking yourself inside out. Stop it!

Interracial porn is closely tied into cuckoldry porn, whichever you land on first will easily link to the other. Once you are familiarized with either and you have begun to develop a self loathing cycle through the emotional/mental feedback loop which is now being powered by your sexual energy, you will soon be on to the sissy porn. Sissy porn is hypnotic pornography designed to turn men gay, we will speak more about this later on.

One thing to pay attention to here is the video linked to this blog explaining this part of this Lady Gaga Edge of Glory video.

In the video, look at where the word Edge is being used, Gaga is sitting on the steps with her elbow in her groin, fist clenched, arm erect to symbolize an erection. The scene is actually saying “Edge!” The icing on the cake is right next her sits a black man in the shadows holding his arms out above her head, his face is hidden so you consciously pay no attention to him, but his arms serves a black cock in your peripheral vision, I couldn’t make this up if I tried.

If you understand the point I’m making you are half way to understanding how to speak to a persons unconscious mind, this is the basis of programming.
Click this picture at the top of this page to watch the video.

At 4:50 I explain how Lady Gaga Edge of Glory is programming men to edge to interracial porn. I explain why IR porn is closely linked to cuckold porn and how watching porn is placing yourself in the position of a cuckold. This is an example of Neuro-Linguistic programming, I don't expect this reach the Steemit whales but if you can see that this is not a conspiracy theory and is in fact exactly what is happening, share this with others. Let's make this world a better place for the human race.

▶️ DTube

"Shut up love and cook the dinner" it's 2018 not 1918, maybe these white girls don't see or care about a persons skin colour, or want to. Your frequently giving porn as examples in black veil videos, but when was the last time you seen a man black or white with a little dick in porn? Porn is not just made for men, its made for women too. Women want to see a big sausage like men want to see big tits. I'm not judging you but from your comments (MKUltra for example) people might think your the wrap your head in tinfoil type.

Think what ya what, it won't be long before ya hooked up to a machine that's doing all ya thinking for ya. Porn might be done for women too but it's a weapon to enslave people through their base instincts, it's disgusting when you actually see what they are doing with it. The Black Veil series is going on to speak about how they are using race as part of the agenda, so yeah, there's gonna be some more black shit coming. If you haven't understood the Neuro Linguistic Programming being used in the Gaga video then maybe look up NLP, it might help ya understand the race component.

You are seeing things that are not there. For example in 1 of your videos you said Manchester as moved, I was born in Salford, Greater Manchester and lived here all my life and it has never moved, on a map or otherwise. I KNOW THIS because I was a drivers mate in my first job after leaving school and a drivers mates job well before sat nav was reading maps. I bet your into a lot of conspiracy theories, crop circles, flat earth ect.

If 1986 is the year you were born here is a map from 1987 have a look where Manchester is in relation to Leeds and Sheffield.

I have also had other people who live in Manchester confirm that they have experienced the same Mandela Effect, there are hundred of thousands of people experiencing similar Mandela Effects, they are not all seeing things that are not there I KNOW THIS because the topic wouldn't have deliberately blocked so much if these people who see the geographical change. Do let me know when you upload videos of yourself, I'll check out what you have to say.

Wow! The mandela effect is a false memory, false meaning it did not happen. When an if I do upload a video I doubt it would be about a subject you will be into, because it wouldn't involve aliens, chem trails or CIA mind control.

We're all hiding behind our keyboards here waiting for you put some out, so never the less, we'll look forward to your original content. Take care mrfinge

I'm not interested in making videos, I found out about dtube by watching a video on youtube that said dtube is a good place to recycle your videos you have on other social media sites and make some money. He was wrong obviously and I didn't know that until I had already uploaded them, now I can't delete them. I do put my own original photography on steepshot, and I comment on videos for curation rewards. I notice you too are just recycling your youtube videos and not doing very well on dtube even though it is mostly your own original content. Or it might be because mostly what you talk about is racist, chauvinistic, homophobic and criticising mental health. Good luck with it though.

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We do need to clean up, what I will do is mention your service in one of my videos after I have finished my black veil series to help more people reach you. Good Luck with your project :)

😃Thank you so much for that @daniel1986 ! It 's a great support to talk about @cleanplanet