Israel, also known as Holy Land is a real Wonderland for many people. For one - it's a holy place, for others - it's a 3000 years old museum under the sky, for other people it's a gay-capital or club center in the Middle East. Anyway, this place constantly throws up surprises.
After living my first year there I defined how to love and feel this place in the right way.
To start live in Israel is like to go through your first LSD-trip. After first experience you can realize if you want to keep doing it (or repeat at least) or you want to give up this shit and never try even once more.
So, your trip-sitter or the one who offers you your first stamp will always tell you a lot before the trip. He would try to tell more good stuff and less bad about your potential feelings, but all you knew before using it for the first time - is just the peak of an iceberg. Same with Israel. Forget everything you knew about this religious, historical, geographical place. Just go on a trip with it.
Your acid-trip would become a nightmare if your settings were gloomy or depressive. I think the best sign not to trip is realizing discomfort or negative background before you do it. Just postpone this experience for a better moment, if you are not sure. On the contrary, if you know what you want, you psychologically prepared (like there is no thoughts on your "ex" or smth in your conscious or else) and you are totally opened for what you gonna see - do the step and try it.
If you are ready to take this country deep inside of you, you will be amazed how different and colorful it is. It's so far from black and white standards, from good and bad. It can become a long-life trip, full of miracles and positive vibes. In other case it will become a bad-trip with endless peak of drug parish, with infinite social and economical issues that you'll face there, with total misunderstanding of life stream.
If this place was literally a drug , it would be definitely some serious gourmet shit for well-prepared psychonauts. So, it's all about the set. Think positively. My glass is always half whiskey.
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