Hello everybody its time to i make new blogs about world and sport!!!
Questions of my some subscribers.
- Question Where i was all this time?
- Question How is going with sport?
- Question How old iam and What iam doing in life?
3.Question Why i was gambling?
4.Question How big is minuse in all time in Casinos? and biggest Lose by 1 bet?
5.Question my favuorite Country? - When i stop gambling?
- I am proffesional basketball player and all this time i was in Italy playing for my team from Italy. It was really good experience to see peopel from other countrys in my team.
Whitch was really great to meet them.
2.This year my team arrived in Seria C unica its 4 league in Italy that was crazy causd on start of season we had alot losses but after we put our energy together and we did it and we passed to next level.
Iam thinking to change team because it was my 4 year in same team and i wanna get stronger for this i want to try something better my stats was pretty good because i was playing with older than persons who had more experience than me. I had 10 points per game i was playing 20-2min and i made some times crazy Blocks and Assits to but best was each game i mad 1-2 dunks. - Iam 19 years old sport boy who like to use Internet to get smarter i big fan of cryptos but my problem whitch is really crazy gambling addiction.
4.Its started when i was 14 when i went with my friend scratching ticket for 2€ and in this day i luckily won but my friend lost i spend 4€ for 2 tickets and i won 50€ from 1 ticket and other i lost friend lost also 2 tickets after that i saw alot of streamers that are winning money and i think if they win maybe i could also but from this moment i am just waiting 1 big win that wuold give me all money back that i lost in all gambling sites. My biggest lose for 1 day was 8k€ it was tottaly crazy that made me real depression of 10 days thinking about that. Biggest win from 50€ bet 4400€ in live gambling show but after that casino ate all this money for 7days. All time casino lose is over +115k€ that is really sad to think about. - My favourite country is Estonia because its my born country there is really good food and climate very friendly persons around me and really beautiful nature.
- I stopped gambling already 2.5months i have visited 3 times rehub witch helped me alot.