Counter-balance to a recent post that provided 14 Startling Sad Facts about the US.
I ended that post promising to follow-up with a new post explaining Why the US is the Best Country in The World
Roll tape.
The US has been an abstaining super-power, since obtaining super-power status after WW1. The US has not entered wars as a super-power with the intention of gaining and holding ground. If Germany had won WW1 or WW2 would the map of Europe look as it currently does? If Russia had won the Cold War, would the map of Europe look as it currently does? US enters wars on the side of freedom. US is an abstaining super-power, meaning no interest in permanently subjugating and permanently conquering any lands or people.
The US ranks in the top 5% globally for GDP per capita. 8 out of 190 in 2016. Countries higher on the list tend to be banking/financial havens (Luxembourg and Switzerland) or have an economy based substantially on natural resources (Norway and Qatar). If you work hard in the US you are guaranteed to have the opportunity for an abundant life. In the US, the destiny of the young is not given to them by their birth, it is created by them by their actions, ingenuity, work ethic and innovation.
The US is ranked 8 out of 190 in terms of contract enforcement. Confidence in the rule of law allows investments to be made in property and persons, knowing that arbitrary decisions by kings, despots, dictators or democrats are unlikely to result in loss of your capital.
The US leads in belief in a meritocracy. It doesn’t matter where you originated, at what level in society, the sky is the limit in terms of opportunity in the US. And despite larger inequalities of wealth and income than in some other countries, Americans believe in social equality in a way not typical of other countries. In the US it is widely believed that just because you are rich, doesn’t make you better. This isn’t common on global basis.
In 2016, the leaders in international patent applications were US (58K), Japan (44K) and China (30K). Global Innovation Index for 2017 ranks innovative countries as Switzerland (1), Sweden (2), Netherlands (3), US (4), UK (5). There is no single perfect measure of innovation. But we can note the country where all of the following companies got started and then subsequently thrived: Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, Tesla, Intel, IBM, Microsoft, Qualcomm, Hollywood entertainment industry, etc. etc.
The US is near the top of the heap in providing consumers with access to credit facilities. For US consumers having these types of debts, average debt per person is $16K credit cards, $27K car loans, $48K student loans, and $169K mortgages. Is the average US consumer too deep in debt? Perhaps. But debt isn’t inherently good or bad. It is up to each person to take advantage of debt to better their situation. The US makes this possible, so an average anybody can pursue opportunities, that would be out of reach in most other countries.
Many new sources of energy are being found and brought on line in the US. Shale, natural gas, renewables via solar and wind. Predictions are US reliance on foreign energy could drop from 25% today, down to 17% by 2035. Reduced reliance on foreign energy sources produces better global stability, limiting the ability of energy rich states to blackmail others. This blackmail occurs today between Russia and Europe, to the disadvantage of Europe and the world.
In places like New York, you can see the way in which Serbs and Croatians, Sikhs and Hindus, Irish Catholics and Irish Protestants, Jews and Islamic Palestinians, all work and live together in relative harmony. Religion and government are separated in the US. There is no official religion sanctioned by the state. And all rights are individual rights, as opposed to granting special rights to any racial or ethnic groups. Immigrants can come to US and become “full Americans”. This is not possible in places like India, or Germany, or Japan, or many other locations around the world.
“U.S. medical research remains the primary global source of new discoveries, drugs, medical devices, and clinical procedures,” said University of Rochester neurologist Ray Dorsey, M.D., M.B.A.. “However, a decade of unprecedented growth in research activity has been followed by a decade of steady decline which now leaves open the possibility that other nations could assume global leadership given their increasing investment in biomedical research.” Medical research has become an increasingly global endeavor and investments by other countries, particularly in Asia, are eroding U.S. leadership. In 2004, U.S. medical R&D spending represented 57 percent of the global total. By 2014, the U.S. share had fallen to 44 percent with Asia – led by China, Japan, South Korea, India, and Singapore – rapidly making up ground and increasing investment by 9.4 percent per year. If current trends continue, the U.S. will be overtaken by China as the global leader in medical R&D in the next ten years.
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I doubt that the rest of the world sees it like described. But hey, as long as everyone is happy in their own country it is all good.
Thanks for reading and commenting. I tried to focus on just reporting facts, so that we wouldn't have to get into opinions. Opinions can honestly differ, between people of goodwill. I believe the 9 points above are all factual, so shouldn't be a topic where opinions matter.
Of course I had previously reported 14 Startling Sad Facts about the US, which are also all facts and therefore not subject to being criticized as opinions.
Popularized by famous American author - there are three kinds of lies. Lies, damned lies, and statistics.
I provided 14 negative stats and 9 positive stats on the US. Choose from the two lists as you see best.
It is good to stay on the positive side always! Thanks!
I love America.
I only hope that the internal enemies don't destroy it, as they are doing with Europe
Thanks for reading and comment. We do need to be worried about internal enemies in my opinion.
MSM hated it when Trump tweeted it, but I think he was correct to report that the MSM is becoming the enemy of the American people.
Gods know they've done a lot of damage. Nothing irreparable yet, though.
Great post as usual. People in the U.S. have no idea how great they have it compared to the rest of the world. In the Army I probably traveled to 20 different countries including Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. I wake up every morning grateful I live in this country.
Thanks for your service. The US would be a better place, if everyone had the chance to travel to a variety of overseas locations and learn about different cultures and circumstances.
We would have a stronger and larger group of patriots that would want to make and keep America great.
Well done Dave... IF only people would focus on the positive instead of the negative... unfortunately the general public has been "programmed" or "brainwashed" to focus on the negative.
Keep UP the great work You are doing Dave !!
Cheers !!
Thanks for reading and commenting. We do seem to be an situation where MSM likes to report on everything they can find that is negative, and rarely reporting on the positive.
It creates a toxic environment, which isn't to anyones benefit
Thanks for the thought-provoking post. I totally agree with you; mainstream media has failed the American people.
I forgot to say one last and very important thing-
Do I know you sir? Certainly you have an excellent name !!!
I don't think so, but I think we have a lot of beliefs in common.
God bless America , moving from Pakistan here has been such a life changing game . I'm proud to be an American , it gave me chances at life again when no other place could do . I was able to get my mom good treatment here and an education . Thanks Dave for helping us understand our nation better as a whole . @davebrwqwr
Welcome, I'm an immigrant as well. From Great White North. Many many things about the US make it the best country in the world in my opinion, it is the land of opportunity. Glad to hear you were able to get treatment and an education, God Bless.
God bless you as well , and all those living in this great country .
Steem On !
I disagree with some points, and here is why:
#1:US entered WWI based on a lie, specifically designed to trick us into a war.
#2: Related to the above point, we HAVE used wars won as an opportunity to establish permanent military presences throughout the world.
Ask Okinawa about how they feel having a permanent US presence since 1945.
#3: MANY of the major research and development in science and industry is driven by IMMIGRANTS!Which makes me laugh considering the vitriol leveled at them in this last election cycle. Most of these scientists will leave after a few years here, go to their own countries and leave us in the dust.
#4: 100,000 people are killed by medical intervention ANNUALLY in the USA.
Shall I go on? WE as a country should demand better of ourselves instead of rolling around in the myth that "We are the best!" The truth is, we are exceptional, but only as examples of what people should NOT be. Let's get our shit together and fix this sad situation.
Overall, though, I will give you bumps. I don't like living in an echo chamber, so it's nice to see the other side.
Hey, nice last name!
You have some great points about what makes The US the best country in the world. I think some of the ideas may start some discussion. The first one- GENTLEST FOREIGN POLICY OF ANY MAJOR POWER IN HISTORY may be somewhat controversial. Some would argue that we go into countries, especially in the Middle East to usurp their natural resources. We often stay a long time in countries where we have been engaged in military conflicts, don't we? We are still in Germany, Korea, Iraq, etc. I am not saying our presence is a bad thing but controversial at least.
I agree with you on your points that the US is a LAND OF OPPORTUNITY! We still have it pretty good here in that regard despite increasing government power and national debt which increases the risk of higher taxes and regulation.
As far as STRONG ENFORCEMENT OF CONTRACTS AND LAW goes, I do feel this is important but there is a delicate balance to be kept between regulation and over-regulation.
Your point on CONSUMER ACCESS TO DEBT FINANCING caught me off guard but I agree generally that you are correct- that this is an advantage. This one does strike a personal chord with me though as a person who has a history of being near bankruptcy as a result of being over-extended on my loans. Thankfully that is mostly in the past now. Maybe what we are lacking here is a culture or an educational system that teaches people how to use this tool as an advantage and not to their detriment.
Lastly, I was so thankful to see your point about ETHNIC AND RELIGIOUS DIFFERENCES DO NOT DIVIDE AND TERRORIZE THE POPULATION. I believe this is true overall despite some isolated incidents of terrorism. I hope that remains true forever as I hold freedom of religion very dear to my heart.
Steem on, brother!
Thanks for reading and commenting.
I believe you will find that in all cases where the US still has troops stationed overseas, the countries in question have requested US to stay. Germany, Japan, Korea, Philipines, etc. Having a large US troop presence provides stability to the foreign country, at little to no cost to the foreign country.
When the foreign country asks the US to leave, we get the heck out of dodge. Ecuador, Iraq, etc
So I stand by the point of a foreign policy that is not focused on grabbing land.
Compare to Russia and Ukraine, China and Taiwan, China and Tibet, Pakistan and Kashmir, etc
it really has huge potentials but one need to make the maximum optimisation of it .
The US is the best country in the world. Our current President however, admires Putin & Maduro. We must be vigilant. And we need our Senator
Where is the evidence that current president admires these dictators?
Good summary. I appreciate the freedom of speech and new media. Everyone has their own show, own blog, and more people watch yogi bear than cnn....
@davebrewer! Great post! America is awesome! I love to live there in the future if I have chances :D
as always dave, well thought posts....Nc post! I can see youre rep go higher .
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