I Got A Flat Tire, Stopped The Car And Looked Toward The West 8.24.2022

in #life2 years ago


A friend of mine needed a ride as his vehicle did not work at the moment. He wanted me to help get some parts for his vehicle, then he wanted me to go to the store, where he got groceries and some money to give me for the ride.

Well, we did all that and then on the way back to his place my car, my 93 Honda Accord EX Coupe started to make rough noises and a hard type of vibrations. By the sound of things my friend thought I had a flat tire.

I stopped the car and we looked. Well, it was the left rear tire and yes, it was flat. My friend kept saying, I don't have AAA anymore, crap. Then I pull out my phone and called, AAA. My friend said, You have AAA? I told him that I did and that I have the Premier Membership and it costs me $119 a year and they can do a tow up to 200 miles and I get to have four tows within my billing year.

The AAA girl told me that this is my 3rd tow and that I have only one more tow for my billing year. Well, next month is my billing year so I didn't worry so much. I think the girl told me that the wait at the time for the tow truck was and hour and 45 minutes. Well, that is better than a 2 hour wait. I did tell the girl that I had a flat tire and I didn't have a spare. My 93 Honda Accord EX Coupe was stolen in December of 2020 and my tools were taken, we think the spare tire was taken also when my car was stolen at that time.

As we were waiting I looked to the west and seen these mountains at a distance as the sun was going down. I decided to take a picture. My friend saw me take this picture and he pulled out his phone too and took a shot.

Well the tow truck did show up and the guy put my 93 Honda Accord EX Coupe on the flatbed tow truck. I did tell the girl that I had my friend with me and that I needed a tow truck that can hold two passengers, so the tow truck did have enough seats for us two.

We started to talk to the tow truck driver and mentioned electric vehicles that run on electricity that came from a coal power plant. I told the guy that I was looking at an article that said an electric vehicle was reported to run at 44 cents per mile. You see with that type of information I can see if my 93 Honda Accord EX coupe can beat that. Well I guess it can.

You see at 17 mpg, well my car is about 29 years old as I write, my car is running at 31 cents per mile using gas and from a full tank I did have a range of 365 miles until it ran out of gas, well that is how far it went when the guy stole my car and ran out of gas. I always use the trip meter when I fill up the tank. So my gas car can beat the electric vehicle that ran at 44 cents a mile on electricity.

The same electricity that is from a coal power plant. So is this going green, really going green with all these electric vehicles? Also it is good to note that in the summer, electricity is scarce. The electric vehicles will have to compete with the big air conditioners of this country. People like to keep cool in the house, not counting businesses that use air conditioners. People using air conditioners with their very hungry compressors that drink up the electricity like there is no tomorrow is competing with electric vehicles. All this electric consumption is causing brown outs and sometime black outs.

Nobody likes a long black out.

Well the tow truck guy brought me to my home. We said good bye to him. Then we took my friends vehicle parts and his groceries and we put them in my 89 Nissan Sentra. Then I drove him home. My friend gave me something to eat and drink and even gave me some money for taking him to all those places.

It was a long night and at least we both have this picture of the mountains as we looked to the west as we were waiting for that tow truck to come.

Let's end with a scripture, as it is written, And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12.

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine, taken with my Samsung Galaxy Note 9.


Hi @david777111. I'm sorry to read about those car problems, but at least it ended well. I see you're posting mostly, if not exclusively on your blog and not in communities.

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Thank you very much @erikah for all your suggestions. I did join Daily Blog and I am glad I did.