When I am outside I am always looking for something to set my coffee on. Well this piece of wood was near by. Sometimes you just have to take advantage of what is in front of you.
In my last blog I mentioned that I fixed the windshield spraying nozzles on my 89 Nissan Sentra. Well, I thought I would try that with my 93 Honda Accord EX Coupe. Well, it sprays good on one the driver side, but the nozzles on the passenger side was just dripping out.
Well, I went through different stages like I did in the last blog and found that the nozzles on the passenger side is just not good. How do I know? Well, I took it out and plug it to the main hose and it still drips.
I did look at the internet and found the Honda part. So if I want to I can just order another part. It will be about 10 dollars or so. So, that is not that bad.
Well, since I had the hood up, I checked the oil. Oh no. The oil was only on the tip of the stick. I better be checking the oil more often now.
Well, some people don't even like to check the oil. I did have a friend that had a car, but he didn't check things out that much. Well, the engine blew up, I believe. Well, my dad used to always tell me to pay attention to the basics.
The basics is, does the radiator have fluid? Does the engine have oil? Is the air cleaner clean? Is there enough brake fluid for the brakes? Is there gas in the tank? Those are the basics, pretty much. If any of those things are missing then trouble will follow.
So I put oil in the car. Thankfully I did have oil to put in.
Then I noticed that I needed to add in some dot 3 brake fluid. I was looking on my shelf and thought I had some brake fluid. I didn't see any, but I checked again. Yes way in the back behind certain things I find a STP bottle of dot 3 brake fluid.
I think this is my dad's bottle of brake fluid. You see, I just buy the cheapest brake fluid I can find. Yes, I may even buy it from the 99 Cent Only Store. It is just lately, I have not seen any brake fluid in the 99 Cent Only Store or the Dollar Tree Stores. I think that people noticed it on sale there and bought it all up.
Well, in most cases you won't find any dot 3 brake fluid for only a dollar plus tax. Maybe that is why people have bought all of them.
Well, anyway I did put brake fluid into my 93 Honda Accord.
Then I check the battery for any of that white stuff. You don't want any white stuff on those terminals. It messes up the battery. So I take an old jar and an old tooth brush and put baking soda in the jar and add in some water.
Then with the old tooth brush I mix it all together. Then I go to the battery and with the tooth brush I scrub out the white stuff. I did that to my 89 Nissan Sentra too.
Well, we got to keep our batteries healthy as they do cost about $150 each the last time I purchased one. Yes, we want to keep the maintenance up with the batteries as we don't want to buy another one before its time.
Well, then I check if there is fluid in the radiators. I checked both the 89 Nissan Sentra and 93 Honda Accord for fluid in the radiators. On both they were good.
Well, it is good to know that I check such items on my cars. Then I took another rest. With another mug of coffee. I sat in the sun drinking coffee.
Let's end with a scripture, with Jesus speaking, I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. John 9:4.
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Thank you, David.
Image is mine, taken with my Moto G.