What If Ibuprofen Brings Down The Testosterone Of Men And Increases Infertility In Women?

in #life7 years ago (edited)


I just happen to check out a video about ibuprofen as an agenda 21 way to lower the population.

Can you imagine that? By using a painkiller like ibuprofen, a man will lower his testosterone. Why do men need testosterone?

Well, a couple of reasons men need testosterone is that it increases sperm production as well as a man's sex drive.

So prolonged use of ibuprofen could hinder testosterone production causing less production of sperm. Are not men sperm counts lower than ever now days?

Also if a man is losing his sex drive then wouldn't that explain some of the reasons why more men are having erectile dysfunction?

Some people just have pain and they will take this ibuprofen everyday as they have pain everyday, but have no idea what kind of havoc they are doing to their bodies.

Well, now that I see that men that take ibuprofen messes up their testosterone production, what about women that take ibuprofen also?

I've been reading articles that say painkillers like ibuprofen causes infertility in women. Can you imagine women wanting to get pregnant, but her ovaries won't let go of an egg? Failed ovulation.

Of course this doesn't happen every time, but can you imagine that because of the influence of ibuprofen that a infant girl that is born will have lesser eggs in her ovaries than an infant girl of parents that did not take ibuprofen.

Yes, a female baby will carry all the eggs she will have for her life time. Now imagine the ibuprofen that the parents took will affect how many eggs she will have at her birth.

So the mistakes of the parents are carried over to the next generation.

That is why I don't like man made drugs. Who knows what kind of havoc it will bring.

Now you might say, but what about my pain?

Well, did you know that a lot of pain is because of inflammation? What if you could take away or at lease lessen your inflammation?

Well, one way is to not eat foods that cause inflammation. Do a study on foods that cause inflammation and avoid them.

Another way is reduce the inflammation that is already in your body.

Yes, by using some water and sodium bicarbonate or also known as baking soda you could lower or get rid of some of your inflammation.

Baking soda is a natural ingredient and very cheap.

So why not take some water and baking soda for your inflammation and save yourselves and the next potential generation from the havoc of ibuprofen?

Sources 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

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Thank you, David.
Image is from pixabay.com.


useful information, Ibuprofen is a type of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug. to ward off my usual pain using paracetamol

Very important your pos friend @david, and all the mese I use the ibuprofen for my menstrual pain, will be that with time open some problem? I have many years taking it

The good news is that if you stop taking it now it's affects will clear up. I think if you do a study on how other women used natural remedies for their menstrual pain, that will help you. Thank you @glorimarbolivar!

very nice post friend

Thank you @bigbos99!

hopefully we can continue to share

Thanks to @david777111 for the information you share, we should avoid risky drugs.

Yes, I try to stay away from drugs as much as I can. Than you @chehkuna!

Very interesting your publication good job friend @david

thank you too my friendship ...