Condolences to the family who lost their's really grief my heart when I read about a recent indiscriminately shooting from US and even in Russian some Orthodox Christian were shooting which that reported to be a Muslim terrorists as report says.
From my own opinion, I feel there are three ways in which shooting indiscriminately and many lives of innocent souls lost!
We've missed the road(what do I means) many of children in the past have fear because of the orientation or teaches of norm's, cultures, religion and moral that were given to them both in school and at home respectively, but the question is do we still have that ?
Freedom is good, but must be control to some levels, children having access to harms (I.e. guns ) shouldn't have been encouraged or legalized! Of a true in the past people had access to guns and the rate of massive indiscriminately shooting is very low then, but this doesn't happen or occurred in their ti coz of respect everyone's had towards their norm's, culture and religion doctrine or teaches. The laws backing Gun users has to be review.
Parents, Leaders (political) Discrimination, colour disparity, abandoned, and emotional problems.
I listed all this because it contributed immensely to indiscriminately shooting.
Parents should dedicate some time in studied and monitoring the children, report says that before the went to shoot children at school he has been posted all sorts of evil stuff on his Facebook page if his parents could hv sees that early maybe it would hv been prevented the sad incident. Emotional problems is another major problem that can lead to shooting indiscriminately, plus Politicians has their own contribution to this act, how? Most of this leader busy fighting for power, treasure, and to acquire properties meanwhile they abandon their responsibility as leader to protect and serve people's .. lastly Colour disparity or Discrimination or mockery can lead to act shooting indiscriminately but the question is that: availability and free access to gun promote indiscriminately shooting of innocent souls in this century we are now..
I will await your thoughts about this as well in your next post.Thanks @sean-king for sharing this Matter: