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RE: The Magic of Maxims-Part 4

in #life7 years ago

#For instance, one of our most deeply imbedded biases is the herding instinct. When humans are forced to make quick decisions in the absence of complete information, they instinctually follow the crowd. Consciously, we assume that the crowd must know something that we don’t (but it usually doesn’t). Unconsciously, we believe that we are less likely to succumb to an unknown threat if we are hunkered down in the middle of a pack#

Infact these sentences is very important' I wrote similar to this in my post about " The Man Who Cares More for the Favourable Opinions of Others, or One Who Tries to avoid tries to Avoid Giving Offence. Decision should not be made quickly become of the Favourable or opinion of others.

I may want to seek your permission @sean-king to copy some pic from your post for the purpose of art.. there are some beautuful beach pics I throught of draw them out..but need your permission to avoid being flagism.
