1000 Followers! | Monday up and out, and then out again and now IN... until we go back OUT!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Copy of Copy of steemit covers (25).png

It’s Monday, do you have your cup of coffee?

Are you ready to take on the day??

Oh mystical Monday crystal ball - tell us our futures!

Will we have a barrage of work from clients? Or will we be working on our own creative endeavors?

Will we be laser-beam focused, or will winter cozy-seeking apathy take over?

(That instinct to hibernate is a real one folks let me tell you friends...)

Today I was up and out relatively early- I shuffled out the door stiff as a corpse and went down to the bathrooms on site to roll out my mat (It’s way too cold to practice outside at the moment).

I did a solid 40 minutes taking care of my back and hips and neck, all of which have been a source of pain and frustration lately. Today instead of giving into frustration I decided to do my best to take care of myself, and approach my pain with love and understanding. I’m impatient, I know- these things take time to heal themselves, but damn! I got stuff to do! It’s my 30th birthday month after all!

Trying to keep ahead of February like....

After yoga, I got back to change into warmer clothes, and headed out to walk to the shop. No milk, no eggs, this is a problem. While I was there I also picked up bits for lunch and a snack for later because I’m NOT playing around today.

(Until 5 pm in which a van-wide agreement drafted this morning over eggs CLEARLY states that we will be stopping work, walking back to the shop for drinks, and settling in to celebrate the return of @drdisrespect to Twitch- I’m pretty stoked)

Have you written out your to do list? No? Well here’s mine.

[✓] Spit out a Steemit post
[ ] Record “Muttlee The Best Dog In The World” for client
[ ] Work on a new Tee Design as per my Monthly Challenge
[ ] Celebrate the fact that overnight 1000 Steemians decided to follow this blog!
[ ] Check email (ick- when are we going to be done with email..) to make sure I haven’t missed anything urgent over the weekend
[ ] Walk back to the shop for aforementioned drinks to celebrate aforementioned return of drdisrespect

The countdown starts NOW! I best be off then huh? If you’re a follower of my little corner of the blockchain THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE! I’m so stoked and grateful to have over 1000 if you here with me! And nowww- I get to put a bouncy little green check next to that goal for the month...yesssssss.....

Have a great day everyone! <3 Dayle




It sounds like you're off to a great start.

Milk and eggs are important. We've got so many eggs with the chickens and quail; if we brought in a cow we'd hardly have to go to the store at all.

Now if only there were a bird that laid coffee beans...

Oh man thats the dream right there! Freshly roasted coffee bean laying chickens!

This is something that mad science should be able to deliver. Why isn't Monsanto working on this?

I hear there are some monkeys that do... but I think that's something else... ;)

Oh, Winston beat me here, no surprise. I used to be the 'morning person' now I'm the slug a bed waiting for my coffee...COFFEE! I seem to shout and await it's arrival ;)

Congrats on the steemit milestone! Looking forward to the wellm=ness project! And well done on replacing the coffee... I love coffee too much for that!

haha only the first cup of the day goes to green tea! haha I'm not THAT strong, and thank you for the congrats- super looking forward to sharing the secret project soon! <3

Lol... I did it the other way around... though I have two cups in the morning and rest water or tea.

haha I find that when I start with green, i don't really need another cup energy wise- so I switch to chamomile for the day- with coffee its way to easy for me to have that second or third cup ;)



This was great!! loved it!

why, thank you!

Alright, I too have my coffee and am snuggled in for a read here.

Well done you, 1000! (well over 1000 now) That celebratory beer will taste all the sweeter for having checked off that little box up there.

I like that one of your challenges is Tshirt design. I should put that on my list, though I usually do use my art for that and just add words when appropriate. It's not a huge money maker, but it does make one feel proud to see a sale of art on a thing. Really any of your artwork sold feels good , so I'll be watching that one. I always wonder if we should be designing Steemit gear, but not sure people would wear it?

I haven't a clue who drdisrespect is, but I'll check him out. I am assuming, by his moniker, he is going to disrespect me...why I oughta! raises fist ;)

Oh, I meant to ask you: I saw you mentioned being Italian American and saw your post about being able to move back to the UK. How do you manage that, if that isn't too forward. It's just I love the UK and am always trying to move there, but it seems unless you are a highly paid professional in medicine or banking or marry a brit, you are out of luck. If this is too personal a question, no worries.

Well, have fun celebrating and checking off your list today!

It's not too personal :) in all honesty it's something @teamhumble and I are trying to figure out. So far here I have been here under a regular tourist visa (hence the 6 month time frame which I've exhausted at this point) anything more permanent is a bit more tricky, I fly back to the States in April - The clock is ticking :(

In terms of making steemit gear, the reason why you may not see much out there is because although the STEEM logo is open source the Steemit (green one) is not. I believe you can get in a lot of trouble for using it without written permission, I wont even use it in graphics on my posts I'm so scared...

Hi good night buddy hope we know each other and help each other

Wow! As a fairly disorganized individual I really appreciate how you layout your life and goals! Super inspiring! Im going to take a page from your book and take a much needed yoga break and then do some goal planning! Thanks for being my espresso today! ❤

Wow human espresso! That’s a high compliment!! It may seem like it online but I’m one of the least disorganized folks you’ll ever meet- which is why I have to be so crazy OCD ;)

You are off to the races! Been there too when there are no eggs. Milk not so important, but is there a green tea laying chicken? I love coffee but like to drink green tea after my first cup of coffee. Trying to cut back on the coffee...

mm I've done the same but switched- I try to get the green tea in me first thing, and then if I need another boost turn to the coffee in the afternoon, usually don't need to though- its' more habit than necessity that second cup

You may be right that it is more of a habit...