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RE: Injury At The Homestead, Time To Regroup My World.

in #life7 years ago

Oh gir,l I'm so sorry to hear that. There's no worse feeling waiting on the word from doctors and that back and forth.

I hope all three of you are getting some rest and are drinking enough water.

So glad to hear your boy is going to pull through, he's a fighter that one! <3


He is a fighter, it was pretty bad for a bit. But it all worked out and he is going to be fine with a little time. Thank you @dayleeo! I am really excited to do the yoga challenge with you. Hope you are doing great and thanks for reminding me to drink water, I needed that, haven't drank enough.

OMG I just found an app that reminds you to drink water! Should I make a post about it? haha you'll LOVE it.

Ha! You should make a post about it! I need that app, it could be the thing I have been waiting for to finally be a well hydrated being, lol.

Haha okok fair, working on a post as we speak! <3