in #life7 years ago

Source [ https://www.google.com.ng/search?client=tablet-android-samsung&q=encouragement+images+and+sayings&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwignJTosIfZAhUBesAKHfWRAg0Q1QIoAXoECA0QAg&biw=600&bih=1024#imgrc=nMIhRrgE4EzkzM:]

The lessons of life are numerous and they come to us daily. They come in form of problems , challenges, daily tasks, suggestions etc. But our response to each makes us winners or losers.
Of late, I've come to discover that most people fail, not because they don't have opportunities, but they let those opportunities pass them by-- daily. I had a painful experience this last week of January that ended yesterday. In one of the programmes I'm running online, I needed to get some points to move to the next level before 12am, 31st. I had the opportunity of asking my sponsor on what to do. I didn't ask. I had the opportunity of asking those who attained that rank that week . I didn't. Then came 30th, I desperately needed to place order and purchase with either my bitcoins or ATM card. Talk of drama! What usually takes about 3 to 5 minutes took me about 36 hours. I searched and called on all Nigerian partners but none had TC for sale.
The result? I lost out. What happened? Negligence, inertia, overconfidence and last minute rush.
LESSON : If it's important, DO IT NOW. I won't ever forget this lesson. It is a wake up call for me. I take things for granted a lot and I believe this has made a lasting impact on me.

You know there are things nobody can do for you. That is what happened to me. It was only me that could save me. Someone may set goals for you or give you success formula, but you alone can achieve the goals and success. A man named Jacob in Bible days had a vision of success. He translated it into action; he took steps by placing poplar rods in front of the animals ' drinking troughs. He got what he desired ☆Source [ https://unsplash.com/photos/hSB2HmJYaTo ]


kudos...very nice tnx for sharing
I am @vickyrich a true @euronation member

The life is all about using our intellectual knowledge