A. there are no annunaki. too much icke/ new age there - the point about flat earth is that outer space is a lie. therefore there are no 'aliens.' if you haven't delved yet, this is a good intro:
B. we do know things for absolute fact, or as far as our experience is concerned. senses are how we make sense of the world. also how scientific repeatable observations are made. yes our sense can be fooled from time to time, but everyone everywhere knows the sky is blue (whatever you call it, we'd agree on a swatch colour.)
C. e=mc2 is also non sense, and the unscientific basis for postmodernism. energy is not matter, this has not been proved by anything, not even the double slit experimnent, which ahas alternative explanations.
D. the big bang is also a hoax. everything came out of nothing? non sense.
I respectfully disagree. Note I upvoted you, dialog is good even if we don't agree.
That flat Earth thing has me bamfoozled, there is no way, tens of thousands of pilots and astronauts have flew around the earth, it would have gotten out by now, all the opposing nations, someone would provide proof. It can be calculated using measurements and math, there was a guy who did this in something like the 15th century!
Sometimes I wonder if folks aren't just saying the earth is flat just as a debate exorcise. You can't really believe that, can you? I myself have experimented with radio most of my life, I have sent a signal around the earth, bounced it off the moon, communicated through satellites and I can tell from the sound of the signal which path it took.
The big bang I'm not so sure about, they aren't either, it's just the only explanation they can come up with. Everything springing up from nothing is no more absurd than a conscious creator. But then again, it's only energy, but what caused it? they say every action has a reaction, so what action cause it?
Naa, there likely aren't annunnaki feeding on us, but aliens are probable, how vain are we to think we are the only life in the cosmos? If conditions allowed it here, in the vastness of space given an infinite amount of time there must be other life on other worlds at some period in time. Even if you believe in a creator, why couldn't she have created life on another world?
@darkpurplelight- The (fake) moon landing got me started on the way to flat earth. The idea that NASA lost the telemetry data, they lost the lunar lander plans, the fact we NEVER went back, the fact they say we do not have the technology any longer to go to the moon, the fact they used to take showers! in space lol, and on and on. NASA = LIAR in my mind.
I truly believe there is no space, no aliens- just us under the firmament made by the creator.
As far as a north south circumnavigation of the "globe" its been done (supposedly) 1 time. 1 freaking time is not very convincing. Pilots just follow the routes they are givin and there are photos of the challenger crew now 30 years later that look dead on to the crew who are supposed to be dead, they even still use the same names.
Do more research if you have not truly put some time into it, I know it sounds stupid because I thought the ame thing, now I laugh at the idea we live on a ball spinning 1,000 mph at the equator, that seems CRAZY!
Peace, also water ALWAYS finds its level
With a big telescope you can see the lander. Satellites circumnavigate thousands of times per day. I have tracked satellites simultaneously with a dish antennas and visually at night. The dish must be pointed at the source to detect the signal. I had to manually point the antenna as I didn't have expensive hardware. The things come up at the south horizon and go north, it only takes 10 or 15 minutes to go from the south horizon(Acquisition Of Signal) to the north horizon(Loss Of Signal). then once disappearing to the north, they reemerge at the south horizon at the precise instant that is calculable by their speed and the size of the earth. There is no way to fake this, you can see them and listen to their telemetry!
What about foreign astronauts? Are they Illuminati their selves? Why go to great lengths to keep it secret anyway?
I don't doubt a creator, but the supernatural is natural, just to complex for us to understand.
There are some weird things about the moon landing, perhaps they faked it at the time to make the Russians think we were first.
I hope we get affordable space travel in our lifetimes. Then you will see. I believe almost anything is possible, but the Earth is indeed round, I promise.
I recommend watching this!@zoomtruth good to hear you woke up to the truth! People around me also had (have) a lot of problems with my ideas. I used to be really fanatic about them but over the years began to understand that i just can't force my opinions onto the people around me, especially at the IT firm i work at even though these were the people i considered to be the smartest ones.. There is a great documentary about this that helped me to understand this process a lot better:
The flat earth theory is indeed interesting, i also spent a lot of time researching this. For instance the "Van Allen Belt". How did we manage to fly through this radioactive belt? There is a video from NASA where they address this problem (this is from a couple of years ago), which would make the lunar landing impossible.. The cameras and film they used also couldn't have survived this radiation.
There are also a lot of examples where it is to obvious that the live feeds are not live at all. They are pasted together in lengths that correspond with the weightlessness from the NASA test (weightless) plains. You should look up the live feed they had with "Myth Busters".
The thing that makes me believe that the earth is not flat but round mainly comes from the research i did on ancient technology. There are videos and books that show the measurements of the great pyramid of Giza corresponding to the measurements of the Earth. Also there are clay tablets found by the Sumerians that depict our solar system with all the planets.
All the information out there can be very confusing and sometimes new videos and other information emerges with proof of a flat Earth but it just doesn't weigh up to the other evidence (for me).
Somehow this piece didn't show in my comment:
@zoomtruth good to hear you woke up to the truth! People around me also had (have) a lot of problems with my ideas. I used to be really fanatic about them but over the years began to understand that i just can't force my opinions onto the people around me, especially at the IT firm i work at even though these were the people i considered to be the smartest ones.. There is a great documentary about this that helped me to understand this process a lot better:
of course dialogue is good, most people on the internet prefer to spew everything they already know, but grown-ups like to discuss to learn new things.
last point first, if God is all-wise as well as all-powerful, wouldn't He just create one world and put all trillions of varieties of life on it? have you seen some of those weird deep sea creatures? alien enough..
and God also answers the vain question too. we should be humble, for sure.
hear what you say about radio, satellites etc. - if you watch my presentation at the ufo conference video i linked, some questions will be answered, plus a whole load more things you might not have previously considered. if you're looking to further expand your mind beyond the rubbish they teach us in school..
it was eratosthenes who 'measured the circumference' of the earth, in the third century bc, but he actually didn't. i cover this in the video as well. i've done my research ;-)
astronots are all freemasons (look it up, or i'll link a photo if i have one) and many pilots ARE flat earthers, the rest have simply never considered it, like most people. but they don't continually dip their noses down as they fly along, that's for sure.
take the time to watch the video when you can, i guarantee it'll be worth it. peace.
They have used that equation to create things, it has been proven. There is a time differential that must be accounted for when designing GPS systems even.