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RE: The Hike

in #life6 years ago

You find the coolest, oddest stuff. I can only imagine where if came from. I think another orb of space. But I'll never know. Which makes it more fun. Sounds like a glorious hike. Such a nice place to hang out. Though I cannot sleep in a hammock, it wiggles too much, and I get (sea) air sick. Such a weenor, I is.

Glad to see you out and about on here again. I am likewise VERY busy right now, so Steemit has taken a bit of a powder for awhile. Hope to be back in 'stead' soon. The summer is always SO hoppin. Talk about shouting at the choir here.
I love your air conditioner rock field. I remember those well from my Idiho days in the woods. Never wanted to leave them, and head back into the heat of the day. Though they were hard to traverse if you had to go up or down them. Tippy rocks the size of Volkswagens, yee haa.
So glad you get to go on those trips, and recharge the Pink Bunny Batteries. So fun with friends too. Well, hope this finds you well and happy and busy as that bunny, and onwards, to more stuff, and then back to Steemit soon. Cheers my friend of the book orgainzation, le' S


Ah! My dear Home Skillet Most Excellent! I have missed you:)

That tentacle-thing was so exciting to me, I went into full curious Kat overdrive for sure. Just imagine if you were an alien form bedecked in such a protuberance, you tripped over some trailmix some Earthling left upon a rock, and sliced off your facial wigglies on an opportune cedar branch. Just imagine the creative curse words emitted! LOL LOL!

Sorry, I am bit weirder than normal. It really has to do with the Fair.

Your hammock affliction saddens me. As someone who as a child couldn't even ride in a car a few blocks without being the color of sour bilge water in a tuna boat hold, I so understand and empathize with you. Not a phallus like weakling at all are you, that stuff is miserable!

I am so glad that you got to once experience the beeeaaauuttiful coolness of the air conditioner rocks. It's supposed to be 90 tomorrow, I would love to spend an entire day like a heat dispelling lizard on one of those rock fields. For some reason I feel like you must have been rather mountain goat-esque hopping from VW rock to VW rock on your Idaho forest forays. Not baaaaaad.

Tomorrow is my last day of work for a week in the brare'. I then get a week vacation (ha ha) to do the whole state Fair thing. My Beeflings are super organized this year though, I think instead of walking 93 miles in five days at the fair I might only have to do a moderate 70 or so. We remodeled the whole library and moved every book in it over the last three weeks. It's been insane, but like Steemit, everything seems to be in a fluxxing state of change these days. Hope all is well and looking forward to a bunch of supremely excellent dd posts soon-K