Ah, my little buddy of the 'brare motif, I am so glad to be able to say hello, and congratulate you on a most excellent, non-adventurous for once, anniversary time in the warmth and bask of warmtub delight. Sounds quite divine, and much needed. Congratulations on the big 2-oh, and many many more spans of 20 to come. I am sure it was a good story, your weddin, so I look forward to hearing it one day. Though I just wish folks would leave other folks business alone, purple tights or no tights fit for a king, involved. What a concept, eh? (The leaving other's alone, not the skin tight, concord colored leggings of yon royalty....those I'd LOVE to see. Pictures, please ( :
I also think it would be a hoot to see an oversized GK offspring plowing through the offensive line of other teams, wreaking havoc on the hapless running backs and such across the oblong leather piglet. Even in the snow. I hope that has abated a bit by now.
Well, my furry friend (as in Kat), I hope all is well out yonder, and you are doing well. One day soon I shall be back on this site, putting out my dddiatribe, but life is too busy at the moment. I barely have time to vote, and I'm not even very good at THAT, most days. I missed a few of your'n recently. Large sigh
Cheers to you and yours, and keep on smiling,
-The Flat Pan of Some Sort Of Renown
Ah, my friend of the domestic skilletness, I have missed you! It was truly delightful to not have shenanigans of the trauma and/or take care of something kind on our nuptial remembrance day. You know, I don't know if there are any pictures of my wedding, but there should be some of me clad in my spun polymer finery somewhere. One of my teachers referred to me as the Polyester Princess. Honestly, I inherited a collection of 60's and 70's wear from my auntie, and let's just say everyday I went to school it was Party like it's 1999 time. Heh. I think I miss the orange moon boots most of all, my small statured self loved the 6 inches in height attained.
The snow has finally melted, and my largish offspring has recovered from his game, tis amazing what an Epsom salt bath will do. Smashing stuff, Epsom salt. If they ever figure out how to make bell bottoms from the stuff I would so rock a pair...Sorry, I diverted, been doing that a lot lately, I blame the bovines, we are going to get three of them this weekend! Three!
Seriously though, I am so glad that you are wandering through the digi-weeds again and blessing us with your Flat Panness of awesomeness again. Hopefully things will slow down a touch and you can hang out a bit more, your blog posts are legend!
Peace out Renown-town