An attack on religion? Not at all, and I do understand and can appreciate your position on the matter. Even though I'm a deacon in a Baptist Church I don't consider myself religious, not any more than any other person because just about everyone has certain practices that they do "religiously.'
For me, I have just been restored to a spiritual relationship with the Creator, I know Him now, and He accepted me just as I was when I came to Him. I have changed a lot since then as I have grown in knowledge and understanding, but it was not forced changes, I changed because I saw and recognized a better way. It is interesting to me how the truth can be right there in front of us and yet we are blind to see it, it is right there yet hidden. Truth is a spirit which often has physical representations and proofs, but you can not see it with your physical eyes, all you see is those proofs. In order to actually see truth you must look for it with spiritual eyes. It is the same for other spirits, like love, joy, hate, and lies. We see the evidence of these things with our eyes, and we sometimes feel them in our soul, but we do not see the spirit itself.