Guess some are so much more forgiving and soft hearted than others, don’t forget about trusting people easily even though the warnings have been put out about trust, some see firsthand the troubles that cross others paths because of it, we refuse to listen due to our kind ways that makes way for our generosity to pass through until one day when that trust is broken, then we’ve learnt the hard way, not as hard as some but the words are spoken to ourselves. From that day trust is an issue in all areas of life, as much as you trust you will have a second thought. Does it not feel weird to break another’s trust? Does it process in the mind before it’s done? Do we put ourselves in their shoes and imagine our reaction on it? Would you be as calm as you expect them to be? Does this cause lie’s? Is lie’s the reason mankind is confused and cannot come to a common conclusion about religion? Everybody wants to win and in turn causing greed in some brainwaves. Greed causes problems and creates a brawl for power. Is this where fights, wars, and unnatural causes of death fall into play? Has some of mankind even tested their will to share? For example, getting yourself into a really hungry state and then buying one snack that will not fill you and cut that in two, eat your half first then find someone that can really use the other half. Have you ever even felt the feeling sharing brings? Many know that some goes without food for days, not by choice but won’t even share a bit because they are not in that situation until the tables turn then wants to know why people act that way forgetting that they were that way a while ago. I’m not saying Play God but doesn’t it make sense to help those who help themselves this way you know your efforts is assisting the willingness of another? We have been in that boat sometime in our life when we really needed help but were ashamed to ask. We should notice these moments and offer. Mankind is like a captain on the ship called earth and when a captain doesn’t know they captain who is in control of the ship? We have to come together as a unity and steer our awesome world into the right direction. Home is where we start playing our part.
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