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I see what you are saying. I think I do anyway. I've written a post speaking of people's desires. Some people, for the sake of their happiness, need to have empowerment. They need to have people who look up to them. They need a sense of belonging. Moslow's hierarchy of needs. We should search for empowerment. Gaining knowledge is, what I believe to be, the key to enlightening yourself from existence in realm of existence. Space and time are dynamics that we have not the power to manipulate, because we are so bogged down with the weight of the world, perspective, and 'reality'. When you look outside the box, you will realize everyone is living on their plane of existence all together with us on this earth. Assuming people should strive to do this or that is what causes the negative tensions and conflicts we have in the world today. Those with greed, who seek empowerment, typically don't do good things for people once they have power. It is wise to empower yourself with knowledge. Live life with love and compassion for others. If people don't live up to your expectations or standards, realize that God out them in your life for you to realize your's and their perspectives on life.