As the situation and weather is changing throughout the globe birds, animals and even people flee towards the safer zone.In many countries, people are killing others ruthlessly in name of freedom and religion.
In such conditions when helpless one's are looking for a helping hand. Should country like India which always put humanity first, stop them (Rohingya) from entering in name of country's safety?
When nature does not discriminate, allow every living being free passage anywhere across the earth.
Then why we people are treating other helpless person's as a threat?
I believe it is always good and right to help people in need however I dont think that you should blindly allow anyone into a country just because they ask or arrive there.
If we did this it doesnt just allow the people who are in genuine need in it opens the door to anyone including those who wish to do the countries harm.
the well being of the people who live in those "safe" countries shouldnt be also taken into account and prioritised over visitors or guests.