In Christianity the inner self is simply a stepping stone to an awareness of God. Man [sic] is the image of God, and his inner self is a kind of mirror in which God not only sees Himself, but reveals Himself to the “mirror” in which He is reflected. Thus, through the dark, transparent mystery of our own inner being we can, as it were, see God “through a glass.” All this is of course pure metaphor. It is a way of saying that our being somehow communicates directly with the Being of God, Who is “in us.” If we enter into ourselves, find our true self, and then pass “beyond” the inner “I,” we sail forth into the immense darkness in which we confront the “I AM” of the Almighty. —Thomas Merton [1]
Your life is not about you; you are about Life. You are an instance of a universal, eternal pattern. The One Life that many call “God” is living itself in you, through you, and as you! You have never been separate from God except in your mind. Can you imagine that?!
This realization is an earthquake in the brain, a hurricane in the heart, a Copernican revolution in the mind, and a monumental shift in consciousness.
5D Alpha Earth Transmission
In this transmission, you will receive a high frequency transmission from the future. This is a communication of grace from those further along the timeline who share with us a vision of a new earth many decades in the future.
We are in an important time, a crucial turning point in our collective evolution. The old 3D world is dissolving. A new earth is being birthed. The emerging 5D paradigm brings us to live in alignment, and the gateway is open for us to explore the bounteous wonders of the universe.
Here growth involves fun, play and flow. There is no need to struggle.
The planet is starting a new 26,000 year cycle of evolution and we are here at the beginning point. The Earth, and all those walking the 5D timeline, are being cleansed of the past and opened to a new future timeline. This timeline is being held by a new planetary grid of energy.
This transmission focuses on opening the connection to our Higher Self along with Archangel Metatron who together shift our vibration from fear to love, separation to unity consciousness.
It also invites in the energies of a number of star beings who are helping us in this planetary shift. Our Higher Self, AA Metatron, and four star groups (Sirius, Andromeda, Arcturus and Pleiades) open up for us a doorway to the 5D timeline to a New Earth. This doorway leads beyond this period of global transition (2012-2030) through the phase of dawning (2032-2070) and beyond into the birth of a new civilisation on the earth (2070-onwards).
What would you say about this...
I will analogize it for you.good post... I dig it... I'm curious @defango
Imagine you are jogging...
While joggin you have a small chance of tripping and falling...and then hitting the ground.
but after you have tripped and while you are falling, your chances of hitting the ground have become certain now. 100% chance.
Now replace jogging with creating technology.
Now replace tripping with creating AI and Quantum Computing and particle colliders..
and replace falling with the continued development of both, it can't be stopped once started, one person can stop, but someone else will continue that work.
Now imagine the floor is the AI system that will one day be built...Something like skynet or whatever it is you want to imagine it to be...
If the creation of that computer has now become a quantum certainty... Is it possible for that computer to already exist in a weird way we don't quite understand. And would it not be possible for it to say, affect the current world or communicate with the current world as long as it is in between that trip and fall period of time...
Hello Defango, got my Steemit account today.
Bless you, Defango. Love this post.
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