I deliberately don't celebrate it myself. But it's candy sales time so let me see if I can answer your heloweedy questions:
- Booze sales increase because they wait all night long for the doorbell to ring and hand out candies. They're up so why not take a swig. Isn't Black Friday the 2nd best day for selling? Not sure for booze.
- They hand out booze at the dentist office? Kill them bacteria in your mouth. Ohh, you said candy. Oh well, missed it. My eyes crossed.
- Spammers dress up in spandex jammies, spammers
- Vote farmers look like a politician.
- Comment spammers aren't ghosts. They're clowns wearing spandex jammies.
Good thing you're galloping away! See you later!
Lol, wonderful reply!
Yeah, my cousin lets me borrow his horse sometimes. It helps me cool off a little when I get a hot head.