What a beautiful story, my father died when I was 5, my mother says he never talked abut his second world war army days, he too was scarred for life. I also helped my mother when my step father had cancer and died at home, I am the youngest of four, and the only one that was willing to be there, or could be there. I feel what you are going through, I have been there also. Stay strong my friend, you will come out the other side, with a knowledge you could only imagine to comprehend before. I wish I could upvote you more than my 0.03 cents, though I am afraid it is all I am worth on here. I give it all the same with love, stay strong, and may peace be with you.
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Thank you for sharing part of your story and personal experience with me. Your words mean far more to me that the amount of money they generate. You gave all that you were able to give and that is very generous of you.
I just checked out your page and you've only been a here for a few weeks. Your account will grow in time I am sure. I'm following you now so please keep in touch @deliberator (cool name btw).