I love driving my car and I would be very sad if I couldn't drive it anymore. I can say that I am a responsible driver and I always drive careful especially in the city. But I must admit that the things that I've seen on the road amaze me and makes me angry at the same time. Some people really drive like stupid and very often I wonder how these kind of drivers could get their drivers license. In such cases I would welcome if these people would have to return their licenses and would have to drive in the self-driving cars only. I am certain that there would be less accidents and that the roads would become safer.
I think this is a topic that will always be part of different discussions as people feel like they are losing control with such technology..
Some people deserve to lose control, at least if their actions could endanger other people.
People who are really responsible when they drive, should be allowed to drive. Those who aren't, shouldn't be allowed to.
I got my driver's license a few years ago, but I didn't drive a lot after that, unless necessary. I cannot deal with people who aren't as careful as I am, especially when it comes to something as dangerous as driving, and I would hate to get in some kind of trouble because of a mistake someone else made.
It's really sad to see how many people drink and drive, how many people use their phones while driving and how many people simply pay attention to something else on the road, yet how many people on TV are eager to blame self driving cars for literally anything.
Too many people are too stupid to realize that the world is the way it is because of us. I have a hard time thinking about a popular problem that is affecting our life, one that wasn't created by us.
Still, we're quick to blame anything that isn't human, anything that could do what we do a lot better.
Self driving cars would not let drunk people drive. Self driving cars would not let people who use their phones drive. Self driving cars would not let people who cannot focus drive.
The technology isn't evolved enough to replace humans on the roads, at least yet, but I hope that one day it will. Until then, there will still be hundreds if not thousands of car crashes all around the world, with God knows how many people dying, because of idiots who cannot be responsible enough.
I do agree with you. Roads are become more and more dangerous. Sometimes I'm really afraid to end up in an accident due to someone else's stupidity. But I just love driving too much and it's the best kind of relax for me. When I drive, I focus only on driving and I forget all my problems and concerns. This is how I clear my head.
But I wish too that there would be technology that would decide if you're suitable to drive or not. I know people driving after drinking a beer or two.. I personally could not do it, never. I am too responsible and I would probably not fall asleep ever again if I would ever cause an accident..
If only more people would be so careful, self driving cars would be nothing but a commodity, not something that we may actually need to reduce accidents on the road.