Tiny Contributions DO Matter-- Yes, You CAN Change the World!

in #life8 years ago

One of the things I often hear... or let's be fair here and call it "rationalizations"... from people is that they truly want to make a change in the world, but then fall back on the belief that their tiny effort "won't make a difference, anyway" so they choose to do nothing.

I suppose it's not surprising... there are so many ways in which the world makes us feel powerless and small. There are a billion people with issues, and we're just one person.

But here's the thing, tiny changes DO make a difference!

Getting Over Your "Cure for Cancer Syndrome"

I often hear a particular line of thinking from very idealistic people with great ideas. They want to make a difference, but feel powerless.

A single small California poppy... adding beauty to the world

The problem there isn't about making a difference or not, but getting caught up in what I call "The Cure for Cancer Thinking." That is, we see the changes that need to happen in the world and feel like our contributions really don't have "value" (nor will be taken "seriously") unless we come up with something as world-changing as-- for example-- a cure for cancer.

So we shrug, do nothing, and say "Well, what does it matter? What I do won't make a difference, anyway."

Which, of course, is mostly nonsense.

Every Day, Tiny Things Make a HUGE Difference!

About to bloom...

This morning, I was considering someone's insistence that "something so insignificant can't make a difference," while taking a food supplement. I was thinking about what my "pitch" was going to be to alter their perspective, when I realized I was in the middle of a first-hand example of how taking a tiny capsule that weighs maybe one gram makes a huge difference in the health of this 250lb (110kg) human.

That sent me off to do a little research on "extremes," in terms of cause and effect.

Did you know that just two BILLIONTH of a gram (that's 0.000000002 of a gram, which in itself is pretty tiny) of the deadliest botolinum toxin (basically botox) can kill an adult human?

Case closed on the whole "tiny can't make a difference" excuse.

Changing the World, One Tiny Bit at a Time

When you set out to change the world, know that you do make a difference... whether you do a kindly act, smile at a stranger or upvote a shiny new Steemit minnow's post. 

Flowers on the hillside where I walk to work

It may seem like something tiny and insignificant to you, and you may not get the Nobel Prize for Upvoting, but what drives change in the world is more often than not tiny cumulative efforts, not sudden quantum leaps that result from a single invention. 

Change comes about when we set our intention to do some little thing consistently-- and then follow through on that intention.

The problem is that we hear about "The Cure for Cancer" in the news-- because it's "newsworthy"-- and becomes a headline, but we don't hear about the woman in our neighborhood who has been taking a basket of food to the local homeless shelter every day for 17 years.

And yet, her small act of generosity may have touched 1000's lives... and it would be completely disingenuous to suggest that she's "not making a difference."  

Bringing this Back to Steemit

How does this relate to Steemit. Well, I do come across quite a few posts-- especially from newcomers-- lamenting that they will "never make it to the featured page" which leads them almost to want to give up.

Closeup of a very delicate pink rose

Well, let's stop for a moment. The fact that you are not immediately "in the elite" does not mean you don't make a difference.

What matters is staying true to ourselves and what we believe in; not worrying so much about what others are doing. Say what you want to say-- share passionately and authentically... and know that that is "making a difference."

Have a beautiful day!

How about YOU? Have you had dreams and desires to help change the world? Have you sometimes decided to not take action because you felt powerless, or like your effort "wouldn't make a difference?" Do you get involved in social, political, spiritual or other causes... but lose enthusiasm quickly? Why do you stop? Have you experienced doing something small for someone/your community... and then discovered later that it made a BIG difference? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- start the conversation!

(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Published 20170626 12:23 PDT


Thank you for sharing your views on this topic denmarkguy.
Personally I do want to change the world to the better, but most often those thoughts leads me to rethink my life, especially my career!

I am a person who thrives when I believe in what I do but earning money is not always easy while doing something particularly good for the world. Something with purpose I should say.

Lately I have started focusing more on the small things I do that potentially will make the world a better place, even though it is very small scale.

Those activities involve being nice, smiling, helping and holding back on negativity (not starting rumors, never criticizing etc.)

Keep those nice posts coming and stay positive!

@ronni, thank for your thoughtful comment!

Seems to me you're on the right path. Often this whole business of changing the world begins with changing ourselves to become more the way we'd like the world to be. As Gandhi once said "BE the change you wish for in the world." It's leadership by example.

"Earning a living" is often a challenge because the way many organizations and work-formats are set up are counter to betterment of the world. In 1999, I made the switch from working in the IT industry to working for myself... but it was not just a "single jump." My "old" work supported a life I could no longer afford as self-employed... so I had to change my LIFE, before I could change my work, and that also happened a little bit at a time.

Meanwhile, keep doing what you're doing... be the best version of YOU possible.

Tak for indlægget!

Thank you for the encouragement denmarkguy. I also get immidiate payback on an emotional level when I feel I am doing good. Hopefully Steemit might be the solution that merges "doing good things for the world" and getting paid for it.

Was it your IT profession what brought you to the states originally?

People gotta think outside the box, to live outside the box!

Yes, that's a fact! Although I think I have reached the point of just saying "Box? There IS no box!"

Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.

All of us have a sphere of influence. All of us. If we seek to focus on that sphere and not focus solely on things/people we can't control/influence, then our sphere of influence likely will grow. Same true here on Steemit. Good stuff @denmarkguy ... thanks again for your thoughtfulness.

Thanks-- and you're exactly right. And you just never know if one of those people in your immediate circle right now has a daughter-- who, with a little encouragement-- will grow up to be a scientist who comes up with the definitive cure for cancer.

You can "think big" even while staying local.

Hey I'm a "Little person" and made a huge impact on awareness, because I was stubborn and detested what was being offered or available. Being rebellious, stubborn and not settling on what everyone ELSE thinks or does CAN MAKE A Difference, IF You JUST BELIEVE.

Little or large, if you believe what you contribute is making a difference and matters... there's a good chance it IS! Thanks for the comment!

Great post as always @denmarkguy! I am in the process of trying to change the world by small measures and must admit that it feels strange and uncomfortable to some degree. It has become somewhat of an unnatural desire to want to do good deeds these days and seems to go against the grain to help on an individual level when society tells us that all charitable actions are better done by way of charitable institutions or government bodies. Subconsciously we tell ourselves that someone else will take care of these things, that it is someone else's responsibility. We are all too happy to hand over personal responsibility and in doing so we are losing our own compassion and empathy for our fellow men and women!

Thanks again! Hope your day is going great!

Yes as far as our time on Steemit is concerned, your advice to stay true to ourselves in foundational. I would ad that a good gauge to watch is also our enjoyment. Post and read what you enjoy. If it starts to feel like a chore something is wrong and a break to reassess would be in order.