How to do twice as much in same time!

in #life9 years ago

In this artikel I'm going to talk about 2 ways that massively increase your productivity and your quality of life.

The first thing we are going to talk about is that People are not machines. People are not machines. This seems obvious but we sometimes tend to behave like machines though because we working for hours and hours straigt. Well it turns out that our body works in rythems. Breathe, hart, temperature and so on. 1 rithem we all know is our sleep wake rithem wich is our 24 hour rithem which consists more or less of 16 hours awake and 8 hours of sleep.

In this rithem we also have another smaller rithem which is called the Ultradian rithem consists of 90 minutes of high energie and than for about 20 minutes of Low energie. You might identify this moment after you worked and focust for a while and you start to become less focused, distracted or little bit reactive. And what do we do when we experience this dip in our energy?, Most people take a koffie or we take artificial energizers such as high sugery or high vet snacks to get another energy rush Instead of listening to our rithem and take a bit of rest,

I also did this myself I used to wake up really early in the morning and work till 21.00 And only have 1 lunch break. But what happened was that a few hours after lunch. my energie went really low, I couldn’t focus anormore, I was irritated an reactive. After a coffee and some chocolate I got som energy but didn’t get much done anymore, expecialy not the difficult and cerative stuf. Also my sleep got worse and on the long run I got more exousted

Nowerdays I do it differently. After 90 minutes I take a small break of 10 minutes. And in this break I really try to renew my energy. So I take I walk outside in just focus on what I’m seeying of feeling. Or I take a glass of water and do some stretches. I’m not going to look at my phone ore social media but I really renew myself. The results are that when I go back to work. I feel fresh and renewed. Im not so distracted anymore, and my focus is better, I feel more energized and in the end of the day I still have enrgie when I come home so I still have energy to do some if the things I like instead of lying passively in front of the television.

So ill recommend that you start renewing you energy for at least 5 or 10 minutes after every 90 minutes of work. I'll guarantee that you'll get way more done, your brain works better and you have a lot more energy!