Thanks for reading. Till next time
Help a soul today so that the world will be a better place for you and for me.
**VOTE @someguy123 @good-karma @timcliff @roelandp @lukestokes
as witness @dhavey SAYS SO!¡.**
Hello dhavey I want to tell you real quick to encourage you today and help you see that you are in control of everything around you regardless of whether you control the individual circumstances that you face and want you to understand you get to choose how you feel you get to choose how you wake up every day and approach the day what you believe in what you put your faith and what you who you put your trust in alright we can't control what happens to us we can't control what happens around us we certainly can't control the decisions of others that attitudes the behaviors their mindset but what we can control is how we choose to feel every day I tell my kids until everyone I've said it on videos in the past you are in control of how you feel and how you react to certain situations now if we have the right mindset and the right perspective we can see victory in every aspect of our life your future begins right now what you choose to do with the rest of your life begins right now you can have a complete shift of in your way of thinking and approach your life differently from this moment forward and you can say I'm gonna live my life everyday in the light of the Cross the death of Christ his burial and his resurrection on the third day and I'm gonna live every day of my life knowing that I have been buried with him in his death and I have been raised in newness of life and I am NOT the old me I am not who the enemy has said I am I am not who my mother or my father has called me over years of criticism and name-calling and tearing me down or whatever it is that you face okay I don't know your individual situation but you can wake up today and you can say that my identity is found in Christ alone and Who I am in his word what the Word of God says for my life I will walk in that and I will make every decision based off of prayer diligence in my faith the Bible says he rewards those who diligently seek Him so if you are diligent if you are vigilant if you are one who persevere in your faith every day no matter what you're facing you will be victorious who are more than a conquerer you were to overcome or you're a child of God a servant of the Most High what are you going to do about the rest of your life you are in control of your destiny you can choose to walk towards the face of God or you can turn around and you can allow the enemy to overwhelm you defeat you discourage you destroy you what are you going to do with the rest of your life walk in faith my friend know that God has already given you the victory the only thing you have to do is walk in it every day and claim it for you