Tips to have more organization at work

in #life8 years ago

It is important to focus on what you have to do and do not let your productivity falls, so follow these 5 tricks that will help achieving your goals.

We live in an era of professional instability which leads to a lot of people end up feeling in your day to day effects of anxiety and personal collection. The first victim is productivity, which tends to drop considerably if the professional knows not handle the pressures and the accumulation of functions in large companies - fruit of an economic crisis. To help overcome this period we organized some tips that will make you focus on what is important: productivity and quality.

1 - Track your activities
Although repetitive sound, this first tip is essential so you can see all you need to do and have organization at work. Only then will be able to set your production rhythm and how to organize to meet the goals that have been outlined. But be warned: it is necessary to create real targets that can be met within the stipulated period, not to be frustrated with the expectation unrequited. How can you do it? Write everything! The notes were always allies of the best professionals. The difference is that if once they were made in agendas, today you can create playlists on your smartphone and personal digital assistants, for example.

2 - Organize your time

After defining the activities to be done during the day, you need to organize your time so you can fulfill everything that is proposed. This is a fundamental step to be able to work organization. If meetings are part of your work routine, set a shift to focus on them, so as not to hinder the execution of other tasks. If you have stipulated a block of time for certain tasks you will see that you can organize yourself better and comply with everything that needs to be done.

3 - Do not always be doing 'refresh' to email
The e-mail is essential for day to day at work. But it can help dispersions and stops tasks in the middle. So, resist the urge to always 'see' your inbox because this way prevents other issues gain attention when it should be focused on a different task. The reasoning is simple: get a job and go to the end to then look into another.

4 - Avoid distractions

Your productivity is linked to your ability to concentrate and work organization. Therefore, during working hours, avoid distractions, especially those coming from your smartphone. Notifications of social networks should be turned off, as well as audible warnings of new messages app's like WhatsApp. Concentrate on what should be done and leave subjects individuals for later.

5 - Allow time for breaks

No, there is productivity and work organization to survive a day without breaks. So take the time between your activities to go to the toilet, to eat anything, drink water, to get up a little or even, in this case, to check your phone. But beware: a quick break means a maximum of 5 minutes of rest. More than this is considered a waste of time that could be be applied at work.