We're homeschooling our kids. So far they're way ahead of other kids their age, and contrary to what others think, they're way more socialized than their regular school counterparts. We try to do lots of activities and experiments, but the biggest thing is time. A lot of time in regular school is waiting for other kids, whereas at home you just do your projects/activities/skills, and move on. And like you, they get personalized attention, whereas in school, the teacher is split between 10-20 other students.
Also, we teach them a lot about mindset, success, and happiness. If you're interested in those kinds of things (and who doesn't want to be happy and successful), I would like into bob procter, tony robbins, earl nightingale, warren buffet, charlie munger, steve jobs, etc. All free on youtube or your library.
I had a horrible experience at school, so I didn't want my kids to have the same experience. I hope yours turns out better.
Thank you for writing such a succinct and detailed response! I am so glad you took the time to read my essay! You are totally correct, homeschooling works really well for a lot of people, I was doing a lot of stuff that my parents did when they were in grad school, when I was in 9th homegrade. Nothing truly compares and I like to think I am a better person because I didn't become creatively or emotionally handicapped by the school prison I almost stayed in haha. My experience in homeschool and school in general is just about over, I finish my chemistry and physics classes at community college later this month. I am only 19, but I definitely plan on homeschooling my own children in the future! I have made sure to write down all those wonderful suggestions you have made! I'm actually going to be talking a lot about this topic in the future!
Awesome, whatever you like to do, find models and learn from them. It's so strange how they said "those that can't do teach". Why do we learn from those who didn't succeed?