On Mask and Death

in #life5 years ago (edited)


Honestly, I stopped checking my news feed for the latest Corona Virus death toll. Not that I don't care about others anymore. Not that I don't care much about subtracting just a tiny portion from our massive world population, oops sorry about that, sounds like Me, I mean sounds diabolic. Anyway, I just got a bit busy dealing with the harsh realities of my own life as selfish as it may sound.

Don't get me wrong, it could be me that could have been infected and I swear I absolutely have no issues with death. It is actually something I very much look forward to, because hell this life, can be unbearable at times. But can be good too. Such is life.

But I wish for another way to die. I'm sure there are other 99 ways to die. Just not today because I am going to buy a plant later. And not tomorrow because I am going to fix my kitchen. Just some other time universe okay? Only if possible. And one more request, not through coughing or aching body or not being able to breathe. Or worse, having huge hospital bills. The thought of having more debt could cause my imminent death. I'd rather die with a positive bank account somewhere in a better world. If it is not too much to ask, universe.

Or maybe another life would do. A different life. Okay, I am asking too much now.

COVID effin 19, what a misery. I don't like the pain and suffering that come with this horrible virus, so yeah, I have to wear a mask too, like everyone else, like all the time. Because you know, it works. As much as I want to approach random people and cough all over their faces, I just can't. I'm wearing a mask! It is my choice now, I mean wearing a mask and not coughing all over people's faces. Thank me, not the government. And I will probably continue wearing a mask even after this pandemic madness is all over. Why? Because it is cool. Again, my choice.

I know some people out there have issues with wearing masks, like come on now you guys. If it helps, don't think about COVID-19. Think of many other reasons to wear a mask. Like, if your face is not something to be proud of, then, by all means, wear a mask. If you don't want to be recognized as the father of a random newborn baby, please wear a mask. If you are going to rob a bank, please wear a mask too. Geez, this is what pros do. And smart people too.

This is not for you, it is for everyone else around you. We don't want to get infected by You. By your existing diseases. We don't want the environment to get infected by You. Global warming is real.

What could be so hard with wearing a mask? It's like wearing a seatbelt to protect yourself, and I guess you have no issues with it. I'm pretty sure you don't call people wearing helmets sheep. So, it is just you Karen.

The rising Corona cases here in my region makes me even more paranoid. I still go about my daily life as if nothing has changed. The only difference is that I am wearing a mask. Yes, I repeat, I am wearing a mask. Because this pandemic is legit, and I am not being a sheep here. I am wearing a mask because it is my choice and responsibility to protect myself and others. It is not because I'm a huge fan of the government.

Okay, if you don't like me to wear a mask because you think COVID-19 is a hoax, then let's just put it this way. I wear a mask for pollution too, like duh. I got used to wearing a mask that I won't even bike around without it. There are so many other nasty particles in our air these days that I get sick just by breathing.

I like to wear a mask because I don't like to be recognized in public, ooooh yes I am hiding. I am hiding something. Hiding inside myself. Hear this, not wearing a mask is not a political statement, it is ignorance and entitlement.

Masks can be the next fashionable thing. Soon our looks won't even matter, just wear a nice mask and you'll get a score. So yeah, do us a favor guys, please wear a mask when you go out.

Because it's all up to us now. Let us try to give our all until this is all over.

img src: @unsplash

previously, previously, previously,

Settling in


Can't blame you! It is nuts that some people have been labeling the pandemic as hoax! This is a matter of life or death, and we all have a responsibility to protect ourselves and others.

This is a matter of life or death, and we all have a responsibility to protect ourselves and others.

I agree!

I know this peer-review will be received with audacious mendacity but I have to side with the faculties of reason, logic, and sound interpretation of data on this one.

I'd be happy to muse on the billions of hobbits whose economic lives have been decimated by irrational public policy. One should never quarantine the healthy unless, of course, one works for Umbrella Corp...Got zombies? You bet we do! https://www.technocracy.news/masks-are-neither-effective-nor-safe-a-summary-of-the-science/

I would like to see you wearing a mask 😊

I wore one for 33 seconds the other day:-P


No job, no alcohol for me lol.

Pro Mask vs Anti-Mask


We've lost our common sense.
-science is now corrupted by for-profit corporate capitalism.
-the corporate capitalists have compromised the nation-state that will 100% use this situation to fulfill controlling population agendas.
-oxygen and breath are two of the most important factors for human well-being.
-wear a mask where common sense dictates that you should and wear it for a short a time as possible. Wear the mask while in enclosed public environments...So get in and out of the grocery store as fast as possible...
I see you made it to 67! Congrats...

It's funny how people only remember the scary things broadcast by media yet ignore the "evidence" from the same sources that show those claims wrong. Here is a good video explaining the phenomena. For example, when WHO said that asymptomatic people (aka healthy) do not transfer the virus, based on studies and tracking no one was interested in that. It's easier to stay in fear and blame healthy people about going around and terrorizing everyone. A mask box has a clear instruction saying it can't in any way prevent the virus from spreading, yet no one cares. When Fauci himself said people shouldn't be wearing masks because it can have negative effects on health, that is ignored too. Same with countless other studies that show how much wearing them increases the intake of carbon dioxide (re-breathing your own toxic stuff), reduces oxygen levels to a dangerous point, increases cortisol and weakens immune system. I thought it's a common sense to cover your mouth when coughing and distance from others. But who cares, let's get everyone sick in 6 months or a year by limiting their oxygen. They'll call that a covid as well.

It's easier to stay in fear and blame healthy people about going around and terrorizing everyone.

Truth, some people are just drawn to issues.

Same with countless other studies that show how much wearing them increases the intake of carbon dioxide (re-breathing your own toxic stuff)

This is what I thought.

It is funny how the world is suddenly divided into mask wearers and anti-masks lol.

It sucks I know, they divide us on every issue so we are easier to control. Personally I don't mind if someone wants to wear it all the time, just don't approve violation of a basic human right to breath freely, over a science that doesn't exist.

At least I can breathe freely in my own backyard.

That's true lol. That's why I've been spending most of my time lately in the backyard. Best time to isolate from all the craziness.
Also, kudos for not checking the news anymore, nothing good comes out of it.

Also, kudos for not checking the news anymore, nothing good comes out of it.

I know I am not really missing anything lol.

yeah masks here all only mandatory until now in publix transportation so I have these one time disposable unit...but maybe it is time more to get a fashionable one where the face can hide proudly behind off!

Fashionable masks can be the next thing!


lol for a moment I was thinking.