Unleashed Mind Bound Time

in #life8 years ago

Have you ever thought of your life? How days and hours became years and decades? Time wasted? Or time well invested?

(image source: http://iasbaba.com)


There is only one resource that all of us have but can not replenish and i call it our most precious asset. Of course it is time, whenever you use your time(like always) it keeps on going on and on, you can not turn it back. Have you ever felt you wasted a lot of it to complicated situations? Maybe to some people or maybe even all alone? Well all of us have at some point felt something like that, and it gets worse if you keep on thinking about it. 

Time is not something that you should worry about, whenever you do worry it keeps on running away. Time is so good at escaping. But as all things in life likewise time comes back if you do not care about him. Oh i am so deep i almost drawn myself... Well easy way saying it is, as long as you don't care about how much time it will take you to do something you ll be fine because the outcome is going to be better than the one if you were in a hurry and your time will be well spend. 

If you have spend time in people who didn't deserve it, you have to admit, you are wiser, better at understanding when someone is negative, liar, not worth your time... So no your time was not spend in a wrong way, you just feel bad about it. Well get over it. Your precious mind needs you.

(image source: http://www.dw.com)


Our minds are extraordinary, they tend to fill us up with any possible scenario(mostly the one you would call worst case) and are capable of calculating all these scenarios and the outcomes based on your actions. Too bad our foresight works about 1 every 20-30 times and all our scenarios are made without ever been put to the test. But that's not all, our minds are the only way we are capable of understanding time, which doesn't really exist for the universe but affects us, so i will call it for psychological reasons always a very real attribute of our world. So what does our mind need by the likes of time? Predictions mostly, your mind as well as mine likes to predict things, as we already said it is very bad at predicting and event, but if it actually does it has a full plan if not two in stand by in order to utilize and see the event through. Shaolin monks are keeping their minds away of time thoughts, they are trying to live in the present, meditate and understand their nature of existence. That is what makes their minds by far more stable than ours.

Having a stable mind is a gift, it enables you to forgive easily, to love with all your heart, and to never seek vengeance or revenge. Moreover it gives you more time, well in average of course. If your mind is stable it is not so common to be sick because the command center is powerful and in good shape, so all the bureaus of the body will follow every command to the maximum of their capabilities. Plus you will be able to recall memories easier, since memories are broken into fragments a brain in good shape is likely to be able easier to recall memories than one who is not in good shape.

(image source: http://tonyng.net)


I am not so into meditating like a lot. I just believe that having personal time and using it in order to reconstruct your mindset once in a while is very productive in the long run, and emptying your head every day to 10 minutes will most likely keep you sane in our totally insane world.

Thanks for reading feel free to follow, vote and Re-esteem if you find it useful.

You can find more articles of mine here: @diasdr For all personal thinking content, i am sorry if you find it in any way offensive, i didn't mean to offend anyone just to discuss/express my opinion.  


Thank you for sharing this really nice post! It's true, that if you don't worry about time (or not having enough time) it and live in the present, time will pass more slowly :)

I am glad you you find it useful, steem on.

Life is as good as you allow it to be! Just live for the moment and enjoy it! :)