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RE: 10 Secrets of Success - Part#1

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Nice Post, While they are many ways to success I think the best two as per my experience are:

  1. Work and learn doesn't matter what you do as long as you like your work and learn how the company works if they are successful at what they do, after learning conquer your fear and leave the company to start your own business. This is where the real efforts come in, as it is not easy at the beginning, also the risk is high but so are the rewards.

  2. Don't save, in a world where central banks are printing money like there is no tomorrow, invest instead of saving. I can't tell you what to invest in as this is a choice each one of us has to make but my top two for the time being are Blockchain technology as I believe it will change the future, and Precious metals since they did prove themselves for over 4000 years now.


Thanks for sharing your experiences! They are definitely on top of my list as well. Doing > Thinking = Knowing! And Investing is huge as well. If people would be greedy with their time as they are with their money and invest their money, like their investing time.. simply switch the variables, that would change so many lives and subsequently make the world a better and rather fair place :)

I agree, but I do think you need about 6 months worth of savings just for emergencies like quitting your job or someone gets pregnant or you just want to take off for a while.

Really nice one