Best post i read all day!!! Look at you go, I fuckin love it... all you did, stand up job :) Its so sad how these days, anyone who strays from the 'norm', or basically whatever everybody else is all doing at all moments at all times, they're automatically deemed 'not normal' and from there spreads like wildfire it seems. I had my fair share of doing things that took me from the norm (I hate saying that FYI) including getting my mom to make me pants that were literally the exact same ones Aladdin wore in the movie when I was in grade 9 haha I was ridiculed and teased and ultimately it had an effect on me somewhere in my mind but I still and always will adopt the fuggem code... FUGGEM if they cant take a joke (Got that one from the rigs ;) ) Be yourself always... 'Norms' come and go, they change throughout the times... but you will always remember if you ever tried to fool yourself to fit in :D
Have an awesome evening yah :)